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۰²has partnered with PolitiFact to fact-check Florida politicians. The Pulitzer Prize-winning team seeks to present the true facts, unaffected by agenda or biases.

PolitiFact FL: Experts say DeSantis’ plan to send troops to border wouldn't lower fentanyl flow

FILE - Republican presidential candidate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks during a Republican presidential primary debate hosted by FOX News Channel, Aug. 23, 2023, in Milwaukee. DeSantis says he got a $1 million cash bump after Wednesday night’s presidential debate. His campaign says that amount came in over the first 24 hours after DeSantis and seven other contenders met in Milwaukee.
Morry Gash
FILE - Republican presidential candidate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks during a Republican presidential primary debate hosted by FOX News Channel, Aug. 23, 2023, in Milwaukee. DeSantis says he got a $1 million cash bump after Wednesday night’s presidential debate. His campaign says that amount came in over the first 24 hours after DeSantis and seven other contenders met in Milwaukee.

۰²has partnered with PolitiFact to fact-check Florida politicians. The Pulitzer Prize-winning team seeks to present the true facts, unaffected by agenda or biases.

During the first Republican presidential primary debate, several candidates vying for the 2024 nomination said they would use force against Mexican cartels to stop the smuggling of fentanyl into the United States and prevent Americans from overdosing on the potent drug.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he’d declare a national emergency and send troops to the southern border and to Mexico.

"When these drug pushers are bringing fentanyl across the border, that's gonna be the last thing they do," DeSantis said during the Aug. 23 debate at Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee that was broadcast on Fox News. "We’re gonna use force and we’re gonna leave them stone cold dead."

DeSantis did not expand on his plans to "use force" and leave people "stone cold dead" if they smuggle drugs into the U.S. And a campaign spokesperson did not answer our questions.

Former Vice President Mike Pence and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, who are also competing for the Republican nomination and were onstage for the debate, said they would cooperate with Mexico in their enforcement strategies.

"We will partner with the Mexican military and we will hunt down and destroy the cartels," Pence said.

"There would be lethal force used by the Border Patrol law enforcement as needed to protect the border. Absolutely," Hutchinson said.

PolitiFact examined whether DeSantis' proposals would limit fentanyl flow into the U.S., and a president’s powers to send troops to Mexico or use lethal force against drug smugglers at the border.

Would lethal force or troops at either side of the U.S. border decrease the amount of fentanyl in the U.S.?

DeSantis’ plan would do "virtually nothing" to stop the flow of fentanyl, said Doug Massey, a public affairs professor at Princeton University. Other experts agreed with him.

Katherine Yon Ebright, an expert on constitutional war powers at the Brennan Center for Justice, said these proposals conflate "the opioid epidemic, the smuggling of fentanyl and the movement of migrants and asylum seekers."

Most fentanyl is seized at official ports of entry, not between them, which is where try to cross the border, CBP shows. And in 2022, of convicted fentanyl drug traffickers were U.S. citizens.

The argument that U.S. armed forces would completely dismantle Mexico’s drug trafficking networks "is an idea without basis in reality, even if we set aside all the legal questions," said Stephanie Brewer, director of Mexico at the Washington Office on Latin America, a research and human rights advocacy group.

She cited a from The Washington Post that fentanyl is so powerful that "a year’s supply of pure fentanyl powder for the U.S. market would fit in the beds of two pickup trucks."

When can the U.S. president send troops to Mexico?

The president has the to use the military if there is an "imminent attack." What constitutes an imminent attack has broadened over the years.

Executive branch lawyers have argued that the president "can direct the use of lethal force" if it is in the national interest, said. However, that’s if the duration and nature of that use of force is "not likely to lead to war."

Only Congress has the power to declare war under the U.S. Constitution.

There isn’t much Congress can do if it disagrees with the president’s argument that using force is in the country’s national interest, Yon Ebright said. Congress can pass a mainly symbolic nonbinding resolution saying it disagrees or it can limit appropriations for that specific conflict.

Could sending troops to Mexico, without Mexico’s consent, be considered an act of war?

Most experts we spoke with said yes, but they added that it’s unlikely that the Mexican government would respond with force or declare a war against the U.S.

"If any president deployed U.S. military forces to Mexico, that would violate Mexican sovereignty and would be considered an act of war by Mexico," said , a national security expert and Syracuse University professor.

Historically, when U.S. presidents have used for raids or in foreign countries against terrorist organizations which are "non-state organizations just like a cartel," the host country has consented to it, Yon Ebright said.

"The difference here is that one of the things DeSantis is proposing, and it's quite shocking, is to use lethal force in Mexico against cartels, potentially without the consent of the Mexican government," said Yon Ebright.

Can the U.S. president send troops to the U.S. side of the southern border?

Yes, and it’s already been done. and his have sent troops to border states to support Border Patrol agents amid increased migration. Troops at the border transport these agents, operate and repair surveillance vehicles and clean brush. They do not engage with migrants or participate in law enforcement, said Joseph Nunn, a Brennan Center expert on the U.S. military’s domestic activities.

But, Nunn said, DeSantis is apparently proposing using the military to enforce civilian law at the border.

The Insurrection Act, a vague law from the 1800s, allows the president to deploy the military domestically to enforce the law, including immigration law. However, the statute is not designed for continuing policy challenges, "which is what we have at the U.S.-Mexico border," Nunn said.

Can Border Patrol and the military use lethal force within the U.S.?

Yes, but only under limited exceptions.

Immigration officials are to use , but "only when necessary" in situations where someone poses "imminent danger of serious bodily injury or death" to the officer or another person.

Border Patrol "cannot kill someone solely for entering the United States illegally or carrying drugs," David Bier, immigration studies director at the Cato Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based libertarian think tank.

Killing people because Border Patrol suspects they are carrying drugs would be considered an extrajudicial killing because it would violate both domestic and international law, Brewer said.

"There are due process concerns, anytime that the federal government is directing law enforcement or the military, or whoever to shoot first and ask questions later," said Nunn.

How have the U.S. and Mexico collaborated before to reduce drug smuggling?

In recent decades, the U.S. has worked with Mexico to limit immigration and drug flows.

The U.S. government has billions of dollars to Mexico for security and counternarcotics assistance, according to the Council on Foreign Relations, a New York-based think tank focused on policy issues. Mexico has also its own National Guard members to its borders to mitigate the number of migrants that reach the U.S.-Mexico border.

However, "in recent history the U.S. has not directly sent its own military into Mexico in the way that is apparently now being proposed" by Republican presidential candidates, Brewer said.


Our Sources

  • The New York Times, , June 26, 2023
  • NBC News, , June 26, 2023
  • Just Security, , July 18, 2023
  • The Wall Street Journal, , Aug. 24, 2023
  • The Associated Press, , Aug. 1, 2023
  • Bloomberg News, , Aug. 23, 2023
  • Fox News, , Aug. 23, 2023
  • Cato Institute, , Aug. 23, 2023
  • Ron DeSantis, , Aug. 24, 2023
  • The Guardian, , Jun.8, 2023
  • Email interview with , Director for Mexico at WOLA: Advocacy for Human Rights in the Americas, Aug. 24, 2023
  • Zoom interview with and , Brennan Center for Justice, Aug. 24, 2023
  • Email interview with , Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs, The Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, Aug. 24, 2023
  • Email interview with , Professor Emeritus, Public Administration and International Affairs Department at Syracuse University, Aug. 24, 2023
  • Email interview with Julia Friedland, Deputy Press Secretary Executive Office of Governor Ron DeSantis, Aug. 24, 2023
  • PolitiFact, , May 8, 2023
  • Council on Foreign Relations, , Jul. 26, 2023
  • Congressional Research Service, , Nov. 30, 2021
  • Vox, , Nov 27, 2018
  • Politico, , May 12, 2023
۰²has partnered with PolitiFact to fact-check Florida politicians. The Pulitzer Prize-winning organization seeks to present the true facts, unaffected by agenda or biases.
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