Africa /tags/africa Africa en-US WLRN Mon, 23 Oct 2023 21:47:34 GMT This South Florida historian leads free, monthly Black history classes /arts-culture/2023-10-23/this-south-florida-historian-leads-a-free-monthly-black-history-classes Tameka Hobbs manages the African-American Research Library and Cultural Center in Sistrunk — Fort Lauderdale's historically Black neighborhood. They partnered with the Black History Project to start a Black History Saturday School in Broward County. Mon, 23 Oct 2023 21:47:34 GMT /arts-culture/2023-10-23/this-south-florida-historian-leads-a-free-monthly-black-history-classes Carlos Frías, Elisa Baena, Leslie Ovalle Atkinson, Julia Cooper, Alyssa Ramos Ethiopia's truce is a step toward ending civil war, but there are reasons for caution /world/2022-11-04/ethiopias-truce-is-a-step-toward-ending-civil-war-but-there-are-reasons-for-caution The Ethiopian federal government and Tigray rebels signed a peace deal. But one major player in the conflict, Eritrea, wasn't involved in the talks. Fri, 04 Nov 2022 10:30:00 GMT /world/2022-11-04/ethiopias-truce-is-a-step-toward-ending-civil-war-but-there-are-reasons-for-caution Fred Harter America and the Americas need historical truth about slavery — not racist revisionism /commentary/2022-07-07/america-and-the-americas-need-historical-truth-about-slavery-not-racist-revisionism COMMENTARY A new U.S. push — especially in Florida — to whitewash the trans-Atlantic slave trade ranks in the same racist league with Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro. Thu, 07 Jul 2022 09:57:00 GMT /commentary/2022-07-07/america-and-the-americas-need-historical-truth-about-slavery-not-racist-revisionism Tim Padgett Africa may have reached the pandemic's holy grail /2022-01-28/africa-may-have-reached-the-pandemics-holy-grail New findings from Malawi suggest the country has entered something akin to the endemic stage of the pandemic — along with many other African nations. Fri, 28 Jan 2022 12:17:49 GMT /2022-01-28/africa-may-have-reached-the-pandemics-holy-grail Nurith Aizenman Many of those who died in the Bronx apartment fire were from West Africa /2022-01-11/many-of-those-who-died-in-the-bronx-apartment-fire-were-from-west-africa The 17 victims of Sunday's blaze ranged from 2 to 50 years old. The dead included 11 people from Gambia. Many families are now struggling to prepare for their loved ones' funerals. Wed, 12 Jan 2022 13:50:23 GMT /2022-01-11/many-of-those-who-died-in-the-bronx-apartment-fire-were-from-west-africa Jaclyn Diaz, Hansi Lo Wang African leaders condemn travel restrictions as omicron variant spreads globally /2021-11-30/african-leaders-condemn-travel-restrictions-as-omicron-variant-spreads-globally African nations are bristling at the restrictions imposed on them by rich countries — and say they are harmful to local economies and discriminate against countries in the region. Tue, 30 Nov 2021 16:12:17 GMT /2021-11-30/african-leaders-condemn-travel-restrictions-as-omicron-variant-spreads-globally Joe Hernandez Former slaves brought Thanksgiving to Liberia — and rebooted it /news/2021-11-24/former-slaves-brought-thanksgiving-to-liberia-and-rebooted-it It's definitely not a turkey day. Jollof rice is more like it. It's questioned as a holiday because of its American origins. And the way Liberians do celebrate holds lessons for the U.S. Wed, 24 Nov 2021 21:08:36 GMT /news/2021-11-24/former-slaves-brought-thanksgiving-to-liberia-and-rebooted-it Vicky Hallett The coup in Sudan could threaten U.S. influence in a strategically important region /news/2021-10-26/the-coup-in-sudan-could-threaten-u-s-influence-in-a-strategically-important-region After overthrowing dictator Omar al-Bashir in 2019, Sudan's joint civilian-military transitional government seemed to be stabilizing the nation. Monday's coup took American officials by surprise. Tue, 26 Oct 2021 14:13:21 GMT /news/2021-10-26/the-coup-in-sudan-could-threaten-u-s-influence-in-a-strategically-important-region Becky Sullivan British-Nigerian Art Takes Shape in Downtown West Palm Beach /news/2021-08-10/british-nigerian-art-takes-shape-in-downtown-west-palm-beach The colorful West African batik fabric sculpture explores, according to the artist, the ever-evolving impact of post-colonialism, identity, global trade and multiculturalism. Tue, 10 Aug 2021 21:04:35 GMT /news/2021-08-10/british-nigerian-art-takes-shape-in-downtown-west-palm-beach Wilkine Brutus Child Labor Surges For The First Time In 20 Years. The Pandemic May Make That Worse. /news/2021-06-10/child-labor-surges-for-the-first-time-in-20-years-the-pandemic-may-make-that-worse An estimated 160 million children were involved in child labor around the world at the beginning of 2020, according to a new report. Thu, 10 Jun 2021 13:00:44 GMT /news/2021-06-10/child-labor-surges-for-the-first-time-in-20-years-the-pandemic-may-make-that-worse Jaclyn Diaz