Algae /tags/algae Algae en-US WLRN Thu, 03 Aug 2023 19:52:59 GMT String of small fish kills along Florida Keys ring more hot water alarms. Is seagrass next? /environment/2023-08-03/string-of-small-fish-kills-along-florida-keys-ring-more-hot-water-alarms-is-seagrass-next-read-more-at-https-www-miamiherald-com-news-local-environment-climate-change-article277899378-html-storylink-cpy A month-long string of fish kills are affecting shallow waters that run the length of the island chain, from Key Largo to Key West. Researchers blame soaring sea surface temperatures off the southern coast of Florida that have at at time approached 100 degrees and are running some seven degrees above normal. Thu, 03 Aug 2023 19:52:59 GMT /environment/2023-08-03/string-of-small-fish-kills-along-florida-keys-ring-more-hot-water-alarms-is-seagrass-next-read-more-at-https-www-miamiherald-com-news-local-environment-climate-change-article277899378-html-storylink-cpy Alan Halaly What to know about the 'red tide' hitting Florida beaches /npr-breaking-news/2023-03-06/what-to-know-about-the-red-tide-hitting-florida-beaches The toxic Karenia brevis algae has returned to the Gulf Coast for another year, killing fish and causing health problems in people. Mon, 06 Mar 2023 19:32:07 GMT /npr-breaking-news/2023-03-06/what-to-know-about-the-red-tide-hitting-florida-beaches Joe Hernandez A Florida congressman wants FEMA to provide emergency relief for algae outbreaks /news/2022-05-03/a-florida-congressman-wants-fema-to-provide-emergency-relief-for-algae-outbreaks Palm City Rep. Brian Mast says algae outbreaks should be treated by the federal government like responses to other natural disasters, such as hurricanes. Tue, 03 May 2022 12:07:11 GMT /news/2022-05-03/a-florida-congressman-wants-fema-to-provide-emergency-relief-for-algae-outbreaks Steve Newborn Tampa Bay Is Florida's Epicenter Of Red Tide /news/2021-07-12/tampa-bay-is-floridas-epicenter-of-red-tide Dead fish have washed ashore from Elsa and swamped St. Petersburg. Crews from the city have collected nine tons of dead fish since Thursday. City officials said they were killed by red tide blooms. Mon, 12 Jul 2021 10:32:50 GMT /news/2021-07-12/tampa-bay-is-floridas-epicenter-of-red-tide Steve Newborn Piney Point Not Believed To Be The Cause Of Red Tide In Pinellas /local-news/2021-06-18/piney-point-not-believed-to-be-the-cause-of-red-tide-in-pinellas Tom Frazer, the dean and a professor at the University of South Florida College of Marine Science, said the phosphate plant could be helping to fuel the outbreak. Fri, 18 Jun 2021 11:02:02 GMT /local-news/2021-06-18/piney-point-not-believed-to-be-the-cause-of-red-tide-in-pinellas A New Old Way To Combat Toxic Algae: Float It Up, Then Skim It Off /2019-07-29/a-new-old-way-to-combat-toxic-algae-float-it-up-then-skim-it-off Massive blooms of blue-green algae are choking Florida's waterways. On Lake Okeechobee, the Army Corps of Engineers is testing methods based on wastewater treatment to remove the green slime. Mon, 29 Jul 2019 09:18:00 GMT /2019-07-29/a-new-old-way-to-combat-toxic-algae-float-it-up-then-skim-it-off Greg Allen South Florida Water Managers Take A Second Look At Controversial Sugar Lease /environment/2019-04-12/south-florida-water-managers-take-a-second-look-at-controversial-sugar-lease South Florida water managers dove into Everglades restoration in back to back meetings this week.On Wednesday, they got a crash course on the complex… Fri, 12 Apr 2019 20:02:19 GMT /environment/2019-04-12/south-florida-water-managers-take-a-second-look-at-controversial-sugar-lease Jenny Staletovich How Lake Okeechobee Discharge Decisions Are Made? /environment/2018-07-26/how-lake-okeechobee-discharge-decisions-are-made Toxic algae again is blooming in Florida waterways.The algae began in Lake Okeechobee and is spreading after the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers initiated… Thu, 26 Jul 2018 12:26:31 GMT /environment/2018-07-26/how-lake-okeechobee-discharge-decisions-are-made Amy Green State Grants To Help With Algae Blooms /2018-07-24/state-grants-to-help-with-algae-blooms A $3 million grant program for local governments to clean toxic algae blooms in the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee estuaries has been started by the... Tue, 24 Jul 2018 10:46:01 GMT /2018-07-24/state-grants-to-help-with-algae-blooms News Service of Florida Green Algae In Lake Okeechobee Thrives In High Temperatures /show/sundial/2018-07-16/green-algae-in-lake-okeechobee-thrives-in-high-temperatures Last week, Gov. Rick Scott ordered a state of emergency for seven counties around Lake Okeechobee as a result of toxic algae blooms. Now the Army Corps of… Mon, 16 Jul 2018 23:31:04 GMT /show/sundial/2018-07-16/green-algae-in-lake-okeechobee-thrives-in-high-temperatures