america votes /tags/america-votes america votes en-US WLRN Mon, 09 Mar 2020 09:00:30 GMT 6 More States Vote Tuesday. Here's Your Guide To Michigan And The Rest /national-politics/2020-03-09/6-more-states-vote-tuesday-heres-your-guide-to-michigan-and-the-rest Tuesday's contests offer 352 delegates among six states. Michigan is the biggest prize, and it could be another pivot point in this Democratic primary. Mon, 09 Mar 2020 09:00:30 GMT /national-politics/2020-03-09/6-more-states-vote-tuesday-heres-your-guide-to-michigan-and-the-rest Domenico Montanaro States Upgrade Election Equipment — Wary Of 'A Race Without A Finish Line' /2019-09-03/states-upgrade-election-equipment-wary-of-a-race-without-a-finish-line Pennsylvania and other states are working through grants from Congress to upgrade their voting machines and other equipment. Advocates say more work is needed — and billions more dollars. Tue, 03 Sep 2019 09:01:00 GMT /2019-09-03/states-upgrade-election-equipment-wary-of-a-race-without-a-finish-line Pam Fessler How Republicans Turned Unlikely Voters Into Actual Voters For The Democrats /politics/2012-11-15/how-republicans-turned-unlikely-voters-into-actual-voters-for-the-democrats South Florida Democratic candidates who had no reason to expect victory are preparing to be sworn in to office now thanks to the votes of people whom the… Thu, 15 Nov 2012 14:30:00 GMT /politics/2012-11-15/how-republicans-turned-unlikely-voters-into-actual-voters-for-the-democrats Rick Stone