animal health /tags/animal-health animal health en-US WLRN Fri, 03 Jun 2022 09:52:28 GMT Sea turtle delivers eggs, endures surgery after shark attack /local-news/2022-06-03/sea-turtle-delivers-eggs-endures-surgery-after-shark-attack A loggerhead turtle is rehabbing at Zoo Miami's new Sea Turtle Hospital. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission sent the turtle to the zoo after a shark bit off most of her left fin. Fri, 03 Jun 2022 09:52:28 GMT /local-news/2022-06-03/sea-turtle-delivers-eggs-endures-surgery-after-shark-attack Freida Frisaro | Associated Press Dog virus appears to be fading in Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties /news/2022-04-26/dog-virus-appears-to-be-fading-in-palm-beach-and-miami-dade-counties For the past couple of months, a virus has afflicted many dogs in Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties. Tue, 26 Apr 2022 18:28:04 GMT /news/2022-04-26/dog-virus-appears-to-be-fading-in-palm-beach-and-miami-dade-counties Katherine Kokal / Palm Beach Post An Animal Rescue Group Is Racing To Get Hundreds Of Pets Out Of Afghanistan By Aug. 31 /news/2021-08-25/an-animal-rescue-is-racing-to-get-hundreds-of-pets-out-of-afghanistan-before-aug-31 Kabul Small Animal Rescue's American director is raising money to airlift more than 200 dogs and cats, the group's staff and their families before foreign troops leave at the end of the month. Wed, 25 Aug 2021 11:03:40 GMT /news/2021-08-25/an-animal-rescue-is-racing-to-get-hundreds-of-pets-out-of-afghanistan-before-aug-31 Jaclyn Diaz A Manatee Emergency, A Look Into Why Florida's Sea Cows Are Dying Off So Quickly /local-news/2021-06-01/a-manatee-emergency-a-look-into-why-floridas-sea-cows-are-dying-off-so-quickly Federal officials have declared an unusual mortality event for the state's manatees. An investigation is underway as to why they're dying off so quickly. More than 700 manatees have died in Florida so far this year. That's more than double the average. Tue, 01 Jun 2021 11:28:05 GMT /local-news/2021-06-01/a-manatee-emergency-a-look-into-why-floridas-sea-cows-are-dying-off-so-quickly Robbie Gaffney Federal Government May Tighten Restrictions On Service Animals On Planes /2020-01-23/federal-government-may-tighten-restrictions-on-service-animals-on-planes One of the biggest changes is that the Department of Transportation would no longer require airlines to consider emotional support animals as service animals, as they have in the past. Thu, 23 Jan 2020 10:00:00 GMT /2020-01-23/federal-government-may-tighten-restrictions-on-service-animals-on-planes Merrit Kennedy County Animal Shelter Filthy And Hot, Mayor Says After Surprise Inspection /news/2019-10-28/county-animal-shelter-filthy-and-hot-mayor-says-after-surprise-inspection That spiffy county pet shelter that opened three years ago isn’t so spiffy these days.That’s according to an out-of-state expert sent in to do a surprise… Mon, 28 Oct 2019 10:28:55 GMT /news/2019-10-28/county-animal-shelter-filthy-and-hot-mayor-says-after-surprise-inspection SUSANNAH BRYAN 'I'm Just For Animals': The Veterinarian Who Rescues Animals From Conflict Zones /2019-09-02/im-just-for-animals-the-veterinarian-who-rescues-animals-from-conflict-zones Dr. Amir Khalil has led rescue operations and created sanctuaries around the world for 20 years. In April, he embarked on his biggest mission: saving animals from a struggling zoo in the Gaza Strip. Mon, 02 Sep 2019 12:01:00 GMT /2019-09-02/im-just-for-animals-the-veterinarian-who-rescues-animals-from-conflict-zones Oliver Whang E-Cigarettes Likely Encourage Kids To Try Tobacco But May Help Adults Quit /2018-01-23/e-cigarettes-likely-encourage-kids-to-try-tobacco-but-may-help-adults-quit While not as toxic as regular cigarettes, e-cigarettes do pose a health risk and largely contain the addictive substance nicotine, according to a major new health review ordered by the government. Tue, 23 Jan 2018 18:40:00 GMT /2018-01-23/e-cigarettes-likely-encourage-kids-to-try-tobacco-but-may-help-adults-quit Patti Neighmond, April Fulton Flu Season Is Shaping Up To Be A Nasty One, CDC Says /2018-01-12/flu-season-is-shaping-up-to-be-a-nasty-one-cdc-says The flu season started early this year and is already widespread throughout the country and intense in dozens of states. But it's not too late to get that flu shot, officials say. Fri, 12 Jan 2018 18:21:00 GMT /2018-01-12/flu-season-is-shaping-up-to-be-a-nasty-one-cdc-says Rob Stein Centene Joins Florida Blue, Molina In State Health Exchange /health-news-florida/2017-06-19/centene-joins-florida-blue-molina-in-state-health-exchange Mon, 19 Jun 2017 11:59:00 GMT /health-news-florida/2017-06-19/centene-joins-florida-blue-molina-in-state-health-exchange The Associated Press