arrest /tags/arrest arrest en-US WLRN Fri, 21 Oct 2022 22:40:29 GMT Voter fraud arrests under fire, breaking down the amendments on Florida's midterm ballots /radio/2022-10-21/voter-fraud-arrests-under-fire-breaking-down-the-amendments-on-floridas-midterm-ballots Ex-felons are now "afraid to vote" on the back of a series of contentious arrests trumpeted by Governor Ron DeSantis, a social justice reporter tells the South Florida Roundup. With early voting about to start, opinion editors from two newspapers dissect the three congressional amendments that Floridians have on their midterm ballots. Fri, 21 Oct 2022 22:40:29 GMT /radio/2022-10-21/voter-fraud-arrests-under-fire-breaking-down-the-amendments-on-floridas-midterm-ballots Helen Acevedo Four Dead, Police Injured, Dozens Arrested After Siege At The U.S. Capitol /news/2021-01-07/four-dead-police-injured-dozens-arrested-after-siege-at-the-u-s-capitol Police say 14 officers were injured and approximately 52 arrests were made by Wednesday night. Law enforcement agencies are requesting the public's help in identifying more suspects. Thu, 07 Jan 2021 13:52:39 GMT /news/2021-01-07/four-dead-police-injured-dozens-arrested-after-siege-at-the-u-s-capitol Jaclyn Diaz Rights Activist Xu Zhiyong Arrested In China Amid Crackdown On Dissent /2020-02-17/rights-activist-xu-zhiyong-arrested-in-china-amid-crackdown-on-dissent Friends of Xu tell NPR that the prominent legal and civil rights activist was arrested on Feb. 15 in southern China. Xu had managed to evade authorities tracking him for nearly two months. Mon, 17 Feb 2020 07:20:00 GMT /2020-02-17/rights-activist-xu-zhiyong-arrested-in-china-amid-crackdown-on-dissent Emily Feng Activists Demand Criminal Charges Towards Officer Involved In Dyma Loving Arrest /news/2019-04-23/activists-demand-criminal-charges-towards-officer-involved-in-dyma-loving-arrest Activists are calling for additional action against Officer Alejandro Giraldo of the Miami-Dade Police Department, who was caught on camera last month… Tue, 23 Apr 2019 23:02:45 GMT /news/2019-04-23/activists-demand-criminal-charges-towards-officer-involved-in-dyma-loving-arrest Sherrilyn Cabrera Publication of Arresting Mugshots Called Into Question /2017-02-17/publication-of-arresting-mugshots-called-into-question No one wants to be arrested. But fact is it happens every day - to people who deserve it - and some who are just good folk caught up in a bad situation.... Fri, 17 Feb 2017 11:58:00 GMT /2017-02-17/publication-of-arresting-mugshots-called-into-question Mary Shedden Teen Suspected Of Using Nude Photos To Extort Sex /miami-stories/2016-03-11/teen-suspected-of-using-nude-photos-to-extort-sex A Homestead teen was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of using nude photographs to extort sex from two younger high school classmates. It’s the latest in a… Fri, 11 Mar 2016 13:55:52 GMT /miami-stories/2016-03-11/teen-suspected-of-using-nude-photos-to-extort-sex rowan moore gerety