cold /tags/cold cold en-US WLRN Mon, 26 Dec 2022 11:47:50 GMT Frigid weather doesn't stop Santas surfing off Florida coast /news/2022-12-26/frigid-weather-doesnt-stop-santas-surfing-off-florida-coast Despite the frigid temperature, the 14th annual Christmas Eve Surfing Santas festival was held Saturday morning at Cocoa Beach on Florida’s Space Coast. Mon, 26 Dec 2022 11:47:50 GMT /news/2022-12-26/frigid-weather-doesnt-stop-santas-surfing-off-florida-coast AP Colder Climates Meant Bigger Bodies For Ancient Humans /news/2021-07-09/colder-climates-meant-bigger-bodies-for-ancient-humans Human ancestors got steadily larger over the last 1 million years. Our relatives living in colder places developed bigger bodies, a new study finds. Fri, 09 Jul 2021 11:13:16 GMT /news/2021-07-09/colder-climates-meant-bigger-bodies-for-ancient-humans Rebecca Hersher Millions Lose Power In Texas, Northern Mexico As Blackouts And Bitter Cold Continue /news/2021-02-16/millions-without-power-in-texas-northern-mexico-as-blackouts-and-bitter-cold-continue Texas Gov. Greg Abbott deployed the Texas National Guard to move people without heat and power into shelters. Tue, 16 Feb 2021 11:54:22 GMT /news/2021-02-16/millions-without-power-in-texas-northern-mexico-as-blackouts-and-bitter-cold-continue Jaclyn Diaz, Scott Neuman Wintry Conditions Are Expected For Large Swaths Of U.S. Early Into The Week /news/2021-02-15/wintry-conditions-are-expected-for-large-swaths-of-u-s-early-into-the-week More than 150 million are under warnings and advisories stretching from the South and Northwest and into the Northeast. The entire state of Texas was under winter advisories on Sunday. Mon, 15 Feb 2021 11:46:00 GMT /news/2021-02-15/wintry-conditions-are-expected-for-large-swaths-of-u-s-early-into-the-week Jason Slotkin Cold Wave Prompts Frost And Freeze Alerts Deep Into Florida /local-news/2021-02-04/cold-wave-prompts-frost-and-freeze-alerts-deep-into-florida The third night of a chilly air mass is likely to be the coldest over most of the Florida peninsula, prompting the issuance of freeze warnings and frost... Thu, 04 Feb 2021 14:41:14 GMT /local-news/2021-02-04/cold-wave-prompts-frost-and-freeze-alerts-deep-into-florida Ray Hawthorne Taking Zinc Can Shorten Your Cold. Thank A 91-Year-Old Scientist For The Discovery /2020-02-10/taking-zinc-can-shorten-your-cold-thank-a-91-year-old-scientist-for-the-discovery Dr. Ananda Prasad first turned up zinc's benefits to human growth back in the 1960s. Years later, his study and others found that the right dose of zinc can cut a cold's duration by days. Mon, 10 Feb 2020 16:48:00 GMT /2020-02-10/taking-zinc-can-shorten-your-cold-thank-a-91-year-old-scientist-for-the-discovery Allison Aubrey When Winter Hits Florida, Iguanas Fall From Trees — And Maybe Onto The Grill /2020-01-22/when-winter-hits-florida-iguanas-fall-from-trees-and-maybe-onto-the-grill "Verified the iguana warning," the National Weather Service office in Miami says. There are also reports that, much like in 2018, some people see the cold-stunned lizards as free meat. Wed, 22 Jan 2020 21:29:25 GMT /2020-01-22/when-winter-hits-florida-iguanas-fall-from-trees-and-maybe-onto-the-grill Bill Chappell Weather Essay: When Florida Turns Pink /culture/2015-02-20/weather-essay-when-florida-turns-pink “Why is the sky turning pink?”That’s what my 6-year-old asked me as we watched one of the TV weather forecasts this week. We were on the couch in shorts… Fri, 20 Feb 2015 18:08:22 GMT /culture/2015-02-20/weather-essay-when-florida-turns-pink Tom Hudson