community /tags/community community en-US WLRN Tue, 21 Feb 2023 16:14:19 GMT Drum circle upsets nearby condo dwellers, city might step in /local-government/2023-02-21/drum-circle-upsets-nearby-condo-dwellers-city-might-step-in The loosely organized drum circle has become the latest flash point in the Miami Beach culture wars, which have pitted residents' quality of life concerns against just about anyone making noise. Other recent inflection points: last call for alcohol, party boats and hookah bars. Tue, 21 Feb 2023 16:14:19 GMT /local-government/2023-02-21/drum-circle-upsets-nearby-condo-dwellers-city-might-step-in Aaron Leibowitz | Miami Herald, The Associated Press Neighboring florists step in to help provide flowers for Uvalde funerals /news/2022-05-31/neighboring-florists-step-in-to-help-provide-flowers-for-uvalde-funerals A local florist says she's putting aside sunflowers for one of the victims, the daughter of one of her high school classmates. "Their baby's favorite was sunflowers," Kelly Baker said. Tue, 31 May 2022 10:17:14 GMT /news/2022-05-31/neighboring-florists-step-in-to-help-provide-flowers-for-uvalde-funerals Karen Zamora A secretive LA group has a new mission: paint untouched crosswalks /2022-03-31/a-secretive-la-group-has-a-new-mission-paint-untouched-crosswalks "We've been met with delays, excuses, and inaction from our city government," says the Crosswalk Collective LA. Now, the group has taken matters into its own hands and hopes to spread a DIY message. Thu, 31 Mar 2022 16:30:43 GMT /2022-03-31/a-secretive-la-group-has-a-new-mission-paint-untouched-crosswalks Vanessa Romo At Dunkin' Donuts In Boynton Beach, Music Is On The Menu /news/2019-07-08/at-dunkin-donuts-in-boynton-beach-music-is-on-the-menu On Tuesday nights, a swingin’ hot spot featuring food, drinks and many of the greatest hits of the last 60 years opens up on Jog Road in Boynton… Mon, 08 Jul 2019 23:38:31 GMT /news/2019-07-08/at-dunkin-donuts-in-boynton-beach-music-is-on-the-menu Madeline Fox Miami Men Are Invited To Have A Conversation About Vulnerability /culture/2018-08-09/miami-men-are-invited-to-have-a-conversation-about-vulnerability A new meet-up series called “Locker Room Talk” gives men in Miami a space to gather and discuss different issues that affect them.Akie Smythe, co-founder… Thu, 09 Aug 2018 20:22:25 GMT /culture/2018-08-09/miami-men-are-invited-to-have-a-conversation-about-vulnerability Post-Irma, Community Groups Prepare To Step In Where The Official Hurricane Response Fell Short /news/2018-05-02/post-irma-community-groups-prepare-to-step-in-where-the-official-hurricane-response-fell-short Hurricane Irma uprooted homes and lives in the Florida Keys when it tore through the state last September. The storm also wreaked less visible havoc in… Wed, 02 May 2018 10:56:41 GMT /news/2018-05-02/post-irma-community-groups-prepare-to-step-in-where-the-official-hurricane-response-fell-short Syrian Families In South Florida Bring Their Food And Poems To The Dinner Table /news/2018-04-29/syrian-families-in-south-florida-bring-their-food-and-poems-to-the-dinner-table South Florida is known for welcoming those fleeing economic and political strife in their homeland. Cubans, Venezuelans and Haitians arrive to an already… Mon, 30 Apr 2018 02:05:02 GMT /news/2018-04-29/syrian-families-in-south-florida-bring-their-food-and-poems-to-the-dinner-table Leslie Ovalle Atkinson Does Miami Have A Chance To Host Amazon HQ2? /show/the-south-florida-roundup/2018-01-21/does-miami-have-a-chance-to-host-amazon-hq2 Miami is still in the race. This week Amazon announced the 20 cities on its short list as it decides where to build its second headquarters (HQ2) – a… Sun, 21 Jan 2018 22:46:00 GMT /show/the-south-florida-roundup/2018-01-21/does-miami-have-a-chance-to-host-amazon-hq2 Tom Hudson In Some Rural Counties, Hunger Is Rising, But Food Donations Aren't /2017-05-22/in-some-rural-counties-hunger-is-rising-but-food-donations-arent Pantries in southwest Virginia — where poverty is rampant and coal jobs are vanishing — will take whatever they can get to stock bare shelves. Some also offer help with health care and job training. Mon, 22 May 2017 20:35:00 GMT /2017-05-22/in-some-rural-counties-hunger-is-rising-but-food-donations-arent Pam Fessler 211 Helpline Doesn't Miss A Beat After 'Invisible Takeover' By Jewish Community Services /news/2017-03-06/211-helpline-doesnt-miss-a-beat-after-invisible-takeover-by-jewish-community-services If you dialed 211 in Miami in September of 2016 and again after the new year, you probably wouldn’t have noticed any difference. But on January 1, the… Tue, 07 Mar 2017 03:59:20 GMT /news/2017-03-06/211-helpline-doesnt-miss-a-beat-after-invisible-takeover-by-jewish-community-services Madeline Fox