disabled /tags/disabled disabled en-US WLRN Mon, 08 Aug 2022 12:00:00 GMT Documentary highlights lack of accessibility for deaf and disabled people in Florida justice system /news/2022-08-08/documentary-highlights-lack-of-accessibility-for-deaf-and-disabled-people-in-florida-justice-system "Being Michelle" is about a deaf woman with autism who survived incarceration and abuse. In this interview, members of the documentary's production team discuss her story and the larger issues it raises. Mon, 08 Aug 2022 12:00:00 GMT /news/2022-08-08/documentary-highlights-lack-of-accessibility-for-deaf-and-disabled-people-in-florida-justice-system Katie Hyson - WUFT High Court upholds excluding Puerto Ricans from aid for disabled and blind /news/2022-04-22/high-court-upholds-excluding-puerto-ricans-from-aid-for-disabled-and-blind The 8-to-1 decision rested on prior decisions, but Justice Gorsuch, in a furious concurrence, called for reversing those precedents, which he said were based on "racial stereotypes." Fri, 22 Apr 2022 12:22:41 GMT /news/2022-04-22/high-court-upholds-excluding-puerto-ricans-from-aid-for-disabled-and-blind Nina Totenberg Florida Lawmakers Push Voting Changes, Disabilities And COVID-19, National Deaf History Month /2021-03-15/florida-lawmakers-push-voting-changes-disabilities-and-covid-19-national-deaf-history-month Changes might be coming to Florida’s elections, and how people living with disabilities are being affected by the pandemic. Mon, 15 Mar 2021 22:31:37 GMT /2021-03-15/florida-lawmakers-push-voting-changes-disabilities-and-covid-19-national-deaf-history-month Suria Rimer, Leslie Ovalle Atkinson One Man's COVID-19 Death Raises The Worst Fears Of Many People With Disabilities /2020-07-31/one-mans-covid-19-death-raises-the-worst-fears-of-many-people-with-disabilities The hospital said it made a humane decision to end treatment. Michael Hickson's widow says doctors ended his care because they underestimated the life of a man with significant disabilities. Fri, 31 Jul 2020 19:29:00 GMT /2020-07-31/one-mans-covid-19-death-raises-the-worst-fears-of-many-people-with-disabilities Joseph Shapiro Federal Government May Tighten Restrictions On Service Animals On Planes /2020-01-23/federal-government-may-tighten-restrictions-on-service-animals-on-planes One of the biggest changes is that the Department of Transportation would no longer require airlines to consider emotional support animals as service animals, as they have in the past. Thu, 23 Jan 2020 10:00:00 GMT /2020-01-23/federal-government-may-tighten-restrictions-on-service-animals-on-planes Merrit Kennedy Wheelchairs On Planes: Why Can't Passengers Use Their Own Onboard? /2019-12-10/wheelchairs-on-planes-why-cant-passengers-use-their-own-onboard Many buses and vans can safely accommodate and restrain a passenger's wheelchair, but airline passengers are required to transfer to the plane's standard seat. A grassroots group hopes to change that. Tue, 10 Dec 2019 10:00:00 GMT /2019-12-10/wheelchairs-on-planes-why-cant-passengers-use-their-own-onboard Michael Schulson Lawmakers Call For Investigation After NPR Report On Troubled Student Loan Program /2019-12-05/lawmakers-call-for-investigation-after-npr-report-on-troubled-student-loan-program NPR found the vast majority of student loan borrowers with disabilities aren't getting the debt relief they're owed. Now, a bipartisan group of lawmakers has asked for an investigation. Thu, 05 Dec 2019 19:18:11 GMT /2019-12-05/lawmakers-call-for-investigation-after-npr-report-on-troubled-student-loan-program Cory Turner, Clare Lombardo Comcast Launches Talking TV Guide for Visually Impaired Spanish Speakers /television/2015-11-13/comcast-launches-talking-tv-guide-for-visually-impaired-spanish-speakers Comcast debuted its new Spanish “Talking Guide” feature at a luncheon Thursday at the Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired. The Talking… Fri, 13 Nov 2015 16:05:48 GMT /television/2015-11-13/comcast-launches-talking-tv-guide-for-visually-impaired-spanish-speakers Audrey Armitage Florida Advocates Celebrate 25th Anniversary of Americans With Disabilities Act /culture/2015-07-24/florida-advocates-celebrate-25th-anniversary-of-americans-with-disabilities-act Twenty-five years ago this week, the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law by President George H. W. Bush.Among other things, the ADA… Fri, 24 Jul 2015 19:26:53 GMT /culture/2015-07-24/florida-advocates-celebrate-25th-anniversary-of-americans-with-disabilities-act Tom Urban - News Service of Florida Project Gives Developmentally Disabled A Chance To Go To College /education/2015-03-23/project-gives-developmentally-disabled-a-chance-to-go-to-college A college education is generally considered a student's best shot at getting a good job these days, and it's often assumed most high schoolers are… Mon, 23 Mar 2015 18:36:06 GMT /education/2015-03-23/project-gives-developmentally-disabled-a-chance-to-go-to-college M.S. Butler