FBI /tags/fbi FBI en-US WLRN Mon, 04 Dec 2023 23:11:23 GMT Former career US diplomat charged with secretly spying for Cuban intelligence for decades /americas/2023-12-04/former-career-us-diplomat-charged-with-secretly-spying-for-cuban-intelligence-for-decades The Justice Department says Manuel Rocha, a former American diplomat who served as U.S. ambassador to Bolivia, was charged with serving as a covert agent for Cuba’s intelligence services since at least 1981. The FBI arrested him at his home in Miami. Mon, 04 Dec 2023 23:11:23 GMT /americas/2023-12-04/former-career-us-diplomat-charged-with-secretly-spying-for-cuban-intelligence-for-decades Joshua Goodman and Eric Tucker | The Associated Press Law enforcement renews push against hate crimes /law-justice/2023-12-04/law-enforcement-renews-push-against-hate-crimes The FBI Jacksonville and other agencies are encouraging the public to report hate crimes, which are increasing in Florida and nationwide. Mon, 04 Dec 2023 19:00:00 GMT /law-justice/2023-12-04/law-enforcement-renews-push-against-hate-crimes Steven Ponson | Jacksonville Today Former US ambassador arrested in Florida, accused of serving as an agent of Cuba, AP source says /law-justice/2023-12-04/former-us-ambassador-accused-agent-cuba The Associated Press has learned that a former American diplomat who served as U.S. ambassador to Bolivia has been arrested in a long-running FBI counterintelligence investigation and is accused of secretly serving as an agent of the Cuban government. Mon, 04 Dec 2023 16:17:54 GMT /law-justice/2023-12-04/former-us-ambassador-accused-agent-cuba Joshua Goodman | Associated Press, Eric Tucker | Associated Press Top South Florida officials keeping close watch on hate crimes, threats /law-justice/2023-10-17/top-south-florida-officials-keeping-close-watch-on-hate-crimes-threats With Jewish and Muslim groups reporting an increase of hateful rhetoric in the wake of the war in the Middle East, top federal law enforcement officials in South Florida said they are on alert for possible hate crimes and potential threats. Tue, 17 Oct 2023 10:45:00 GMT /law-justice/2023-10-17/top-south-florida-officials-keeping-close-watch-on-hate-crimes-threats Sergio R. Bustos PolitiFact FL: FBI director didn’t confirm Joe Biden bribery investigation /government-politics/2023-08-10/politifact-fl-fbi-director-didnt-confirm-joe-biden-bribery-investigation FBI Director Christopher Wray referred a legislator to the U.S attorney’s office in Delaware when asked in a House Judiciary Committee hearing whether President Joe Biden had received payments from Ukraine. Thu, 10 Aug 2023 20:55:25 GMT /government-politics/2023-08-10/politifact-fl-fbi-director-didnt-confirm-joe-biden-bribery-investigation PolitiFact Former lobbyist Adam Corey, FBI agents testify against Andrew Gillum /law-justice/2023-04-20/former-lobbyist-adam-corey-fbi-agents-testify-against-andrew-gillum Witness testimony on the third day of former Tallahassee Mayor and former Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum's trial focused on the first count against him: lying to the FBI. Thu, 20 Apr 2023 14:30:00 GMT /law-justice/2023-04-20/former-lobbyist-adam-corey-fbi-agents-testify-against-andrew-gillum Valerie Crowder FBI searches for a Florida woman and one other involved in Capitol riot /florida-news/2023-03-07/fbi-searches-for-a-florida-woman-and-one-other-involved-in-capitol-riot The FBI is searching for a Florida woman who was supposed to stand trial on charges stemming from the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack as well as another riot defendant who has also gone missing. Tue, 07 Mar 2023 12:00:00 GMT /florida-news/2023-03-07/fbi-searches-for-a-florida-woman-and-one-other-involved-in-capitol-riot Alanna Durkin Richer | Associated Press The FBI warns of a 'broad' threat to synagogues in New Jersey /news/2022-11-03/the-fbi-warns-of-a-broad-threat-to-synagogues-in-new-jersey The alert was posted after officials discovered an online threat directed broadly at synagogues in New Jersey, a law enforcement official said. Fri, 04 Nov 2022 11:30:00 GMT /news/2022-11-03/the-fbi-warns-of-a-broad-threat-to-synagogues-in-new-jersey The Associated Press Why the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago can’t escape the divided politics in Florida /2022-08-12/how-the-fbi-search-of-mar-a-lago-cant-escape-the-divided-politics-in-florida How do voters view the FBI search of former Pres. Trump's home - through partisanship or legal process? Fri, 12 Aug 2022 22:14:00 GMT /2022-08-12/how-the-fbi-search-of-mar-a-lago-cant-escape-the-divided-politics-in-florida Tom Hudson IRS head is getting questioned by lawmakers after former FBI officials were audited /news/2022-07-14/irs-head-is-getting-questioned-by-lawmakers-after-former-fbi-officials-were-audited IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig, who was appointed by President Trump in 2018, will face questions behind closed doors from lawmakers in the House and Senate before the end of the month. Thu, 14 Jul 2022 14:01:38 GMT /news/2022-07-14/irs-head-is-getting-questioned-by-lawmakers-after-former-fbi-officials-were-audited Deepa Shivaram