felony /tags/felony felony en-US WLRN Mon, 24 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT Ex-Disney employee allegedly shot videos up women's skirts /florida-news/2023-04-24/ex-disney-employee-allegedly-shot-videos-up-womens-skirts A former Walt Disney World employee has allegedly told investigators that he surreptitiously shot videos up the skirts and dresses of more than 500 female guests at the Florida theme park over the past six years. Mon, 24 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT /florida-news/2023-04-24/ex-disney-employee-allegedly-shot-videos-up-womens-skirts AP In the U.S., some 4.6 million people are disenfranchised due to a felony conviction /news/2022-10-25/in-the-u-s-some-4-6-million-people-are-disenfranchised-due-to-a-felony-conviction An estimated 2% of the U.S. voting age population is ineligible to cast a ballot due to a felony conviction. State-level felon disenfranchisement rates vary dramatically. Tue, 25 Oct 2022 18:00:00 GMT /news/2022-10-25/in-the-u-s-some-4-6-million-people-are-disenfranchised-due-to-a-felony-conviction Ashley Lopez Florida's New Clemency Process Is A 'Huge' Marker Of Progress, Says Civil Rights Leader /news/2021-03-22/floridas-new-clemency-process-is-a-huge-marker-of-progress-says-civil-rights-leader Hundreds of thousands of Floridians could be eligible to get their civil rights restored. Mon, 22 Mar 2021 10:30:16 GMT /news/2021-03-22/floridas-new-clemency-process-is-a-huge-marker-of-progress-says-civil-rights-leader Daniel Rivero Juvenile Justice Groups Say Felony Murder Charges Harm Children, Young Adults /2019-11-14/juvenile-justice-groups-say-felony-murder-charges-harm-children-young-adults In most states, a person who commits a property crime can face a felony murder charge if it results in someone being killed, even unintentionally. Juvenile justice advocates say the law is unfair. Thu, 14 Nov 2019 10:00:00 GMT /2019-11-14/juvenile-justice-groups-say-felony-murder-charges-harm-children-young-adults Cheryl Corley Citizen's Arrests: What to Consider Before Rushing In /news/2016-02-02/citizens-arrests-what-to-consider-before-rushing-in Claudia Castillo, a civilian, recently made national headlines when she pulled over a speeding Miami-Dade police officer on the Dolphin Expressway. (See… Wed, 03 Feb 2016 00:57:35 GMT /news/2016-02-02/citizens-arrests-what-to-consider-before-rushing-in Caitlin Granfield Felons, Drop-Outs And The Poor: Broward Wants To Hire You /news/2014-04-07/felons-drop-outs-and-the-poor-broward-wants-to-hire-you Felons, high-school dropouts and the poor might get a helping hand when looking for a job in Broward County. The County Commission is considering an… Mon, 07 Apr 2014 19:46:54 GMT /news/2014-04-07/felons-drop-outs-and-the-poor-broward-wants-to-hire-you Child Abuse Prevention /show/topical-currents/2013-05-30/child-abuse-prevention 05/30/13 - Thursday's Topical Currents begins with an explanation of the Florida “Protection of Vulnerable Persons Act.” Child abuse reporting is now… Thu, 30 May 2013 17:00:00 GMT /show/topical-currents/2013-05-30/child-abuse-prevention Joseph Cooper