Frank Mora /tags/frank-mora Frank Mora en-US WLRN Thu, 15 Dec 2022 22:01:34 GMT Miami's Frank Mora is finally confirmed as U.S. ambassador to the O.A.S., amid LatAm crises /latin-america/2022-12-15/miamis-frank-mora-is-finally-confirmed-as-u-s-ambassador-to-the-o-a-s-amid-latam-crises Almost 18 months after President Biden nominated him, former FIU Latin America center director Frank Mora will now be sworn in as U.S. envoy to the O.A.S. next month. Thu, 15 Dec 2022 22:01:34 GMT /latin-america/2022-12-15/miamis-frank-mora-is-finally-confirmed-as-u-s-ambassador-to-the-o-a-s-amid-latam-crises Tim Padgett Is it bad for America to have so many ambassadorships empty in the Americas? /news/2022-02-08/is-it-bad-for-america-to-have-so-many-ambassadorships-empty-in-the-americas More than a third of U.S. ambassador posts are unfilled in Latin America and the Caribbean — some for years — including at the Organization of American States. Tue, 08 Feb 2022 11:00:00 GMT /news/2022-02-08/is-it-bad-for-america-to-have-so-many-ambassadorships-empty-in-the-americas Tim Padgett The hemisphere's 'troika of tyranny' looks 'isolation-proofed.' The U.S. can still undo that. /commentary/2022-02-03/the-hemispheres-troika-of-tyranny-looks-isolation-proofed-the-u-s-can-still-undo-that COMMENTARY Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua have secured the support of powerful kindred allies. To confront them, the U.S. should do more of that too. Thu, 03 Feb 2022 11:00:00 GMT /commentary/2022-02-03/the-hemispheres-troika-of-tyranny-looks-isolation-proofed-the-u-s-can-still-undo-that Tim Padgett Biden Nominates Miami Native Frank Mora As U.S. Ambassador To The OAS /news/2021-07-29/biden-nominates-miami-native-frank-mora-as-u-s-ambassador-to-the-oas President Biden has selected Frank Mora, former head of FIU's Latin American and Caribbean Center, to be U.S. envoy to the Organization of American States. Thu, 29 Jul 2021 22:14:28 GMT /news/2021-07-29/biden-nominates-miami-native-frank-mora-as-u-s-ambassador-to-the-oas Tim Padgett Mora Stepping Down As FIU's Latin America Director; Bridged Academia, Policy /show/latin-america-report/2020-06-29/mora-stepping-down-as-fius-latin-america-director-bridged-academia-policy Seven years ago, Miami native Frank Mora left the Pentagon and came home to take over Florida International University’s Kimberly Green Latin American and… Tue, 30 Jun 2020 00:39:01 GMT /show/latin-america-report/2020-06-29/mora-stepping-down-as-fius-latin-america-director-bridged-academia-policy Tim Padgett South American Saber-Rattling: Why A 'Skeleton' Venezuela Is Threatening Colombia /show/latin-america-report/2019-09-23/south-american-saber-rattling-why-a-skeleton-venezuela-is-threatening-colombia Are Venezuela and Colombia headed for war? Believe it or not, that's the big worry in South America right now.Colombia ended its long civil war three… Mon, 23 Sep 2019 22:19:59 GMT /show/latin-america-report/2019-09-23/south-american-saber-rattling-why-a-skeleton-venezuela-is-threatening-colombia Tim Padgett Why U.S. Invasion Of Venezuela Is Still A Hot Topic – But Will Likely Never Happen /show/latin-america-report/2018-09-10/why-u-s-invasion-of-venezuela-is-still-a-hot-topic-but-will-likely-never-happen Over the weekend the New York Times created hemispheric buzz. It reported that U.S. officials talked privately this past year with rebellious Venezuelan… Mon, 10 Sep 2018 21:53:14 GMT /show/latin-america-report/2018-09-10/why-u-s-invasion-of-venezuela-is-still-a-hot-topic-but-will-likely-never-happen Tim Padgett Latin American Presidential Library Center Looks Set For...Fort Lauderdale? /show/latin-america-report/2018-07-02/latin-american-presidential-library-center-looks-set-for-fort-lauderdale The burn scars on Jaime Paz Zamora’s face and body are the most vivid reminders of why many consider him a hero of Latin American democracy.In 1980, Paz… Mon, 02 Jul 2018 23:00:27 GMT /show/latin-america-report/2018-07-02/latin-american-presidential-library-center-looks-set-for-fort-lauderdale Tim Padgett Dictatorship, Disaster, Donald: Latin America, Caribbean Say Good Riddance To 2017 /news/2018-01-01/dictatorship-disaster-donald-latin-america-caribbean-say-good-riddance-to-2017 Rising dictatorship in Venezuela. Wrenching disaster in Puerto Rico. 2017 was not an especially pleasant year in Latin America and the Caribbean.To review… Mon, 01 Jan 2018 21:29:32 GMT /news/2018-01-01/dictatorship-disaster-donald-latin-america-caribbean-say-good-riddance-to-2017 Tim Padgett Dear Chileans: Don't Just Give Venezuela's Opposition Leaders Refuge. Teach Them. /news/2017-11-10/dear-chileans-dont-just-give-venezuelas-opposition-leaders-refuge-teach-them COMMENTARYWhen right-wing military tyrant Augusto Pinochet ruled Chile in the 1970s and 80s, a then-democratic Venezuela gave refuge to Chilean opposition… Fri, 10 Nov 2017 13:11:35 GMT /news/2017-11-10/dear-chileans-dont-just-give-venezuelas-opposition-leaders-refuge-teach-them Tim Padgett