freedom of speech /tags/freedom-of-speech freedom of speech en-US WLRN Thu, 27 Apr 2023 15:00:00 GMT Measure puts new campus speech requirements on universities /education/2023-04-27/measure-puts-new-campus-speech-requirements-on-universities The Florida House passed a measure that would put new requirements on universities related to debates and other campus forums. Thu, 27 Apr 2023 15:00:00 GMT /education/2023-04-27/measure-puts-new-campus-speech-requirements-on-universities Ryan Dailey | News Service of Florida Academic freedom is the focus of a Florida higher education summit /education/2023-04-03/academic-freedom-is-the-focus-of-a-florida-higher-education-summit The event comes as state lawmakers seek to limit what topics can be taught at Florida's public colleges and universities. Mon, 03 Apr 2023 16:00:00 GMT /education/2023-04-03/academic-freedom-is-the-focus-of-a-florida-higher-education-summit Cathy Carter A decade after Chávez's death, DeSantis pushes a Chavista demise of free speech /commentary/2023-03-09/a-decade-after-chavezs-death-desantis-pushes-a-chavista-demise-of-free-speech COMMENTARY It's apt that Hugo Chávez's death anniversary and the Florida legislature's opening fall the same week. Both evoke assaults on free speech. Thu, 09 Mar 2023 16:37:07 GMT /commentary/2023-03-09/a-decade-after-chavezs-death-desantis-pushes-a-chavista-demise-of-free-speech Tim Padgett Businesses challenge new 'Stop WOKE Act' on the grounds of free speech /news/2022-06-23/businesses-challenge-new-stop-woke-act-on-the-grounds-of-free-speech As a federal judge considers whether to block a new state law that restricts the way certain race-related concepts can be taught in public schools and in workplace training, businesses filed a second lawsuit alleging the law violates First Amendment rights. Thu, 23 Jun 2022 13:45:17 GMT /news/2022-06-23/businesses-challenge-new-stop-woke-act-on-the-grounds-of-free-speech DHS pauses a board created to combat disinformation amid a campaign to discredit it /news/2022-05-19/dhs-pauses-a-board-created-to-combat-disinformation-amid-a-campaign-to-discredit-it The Department of Homeland Security said Wednesday it would pause the work of a board created to combat disinformation. The board — and its leader — faced an online campaign to discredit its work. Thu, 19 May 2022 14:09:37 GMT /news/2022-05-19/dhs-pauses-a-board-created-to-combat-disinformation-amid-a-campaign-to-discredit-it Deepa Shivaram State Seeks To Nix A Challenge To Florida's 'Intellectual Freedom' Law /news/2021-09-17/state-seeks-to-nix-a-challenge-to-floridas-intellectual-freedom-law Saying plaintiffs have offered a “parade of horribles,” attorneys for the state want a federal judge to toss out a challenge to a new law that requires conducting surveys on Florida college and university campuses about “intellectual freedom and viewpoint diversity.” Fri, 17 Sep 2021 11:09:25 GMT /news/2021-09-17/state-seeks-to-nix-a-challenge-to-floridas-intellectual-freedom-law The News Service of Florida Trump Signs Order Against Anti-Semitism At Colleges, Worrying Free Speech Advocates /2019-12-11/trump-signs-order-against-anti-semitism-at-colleges-worrying-free-speech-advocates The order will extend a federal anti-discrimination law to include discrimination based on anti-Semitism. Some worry the policy will be used to stifle criticism of Israel on college campuses. Wed, 11 Dec 2019 21:42:19 GMT /2019-12-11/trump-signs-order-against-anti-semitism-at-colleges-worrying-free-speech-advocates Laurel Wamsley House Lawmakers Seek Survey On Whether 'Intellectual Freedom' Exists On University Campuses /2019-03-13/house-lawmakers-seek-survey-on-whether-intellectual-freedom-exists-on-university-campuses Are Florida’s public universities promoting intellectual freedom? Some state lawmakers don’t think so, and they want to survey schools on the issue. It... Wed, 13 Mar 2019 21:11:06 GMT /2019-03-13/house-lawmakers-seek-survey-on-whether-intellectual-freedom-exists-on-university-campuses Lynn Hatter 'White Civil Rights Rally' Approved For D.C. In August /2018-06-21/white-civil-rights-rally-approved-for-d-c-in-august White nationalists and their allies are set to gather on the anniversary of last year's "Unite the Right" rally. The National Park Service approved an application for a rally near the White House. Thu, 21 Jun 2018 12:13:26 GMT /2018-06-21/white-civil-rights-rally-approved-for-d-c-in-august James Doubek South Florida Man Wins First Amendment Victory In The U.S. Supreme Court /news/2018-06-18/south-florida-man-wins-first-amendment-victory-in-the-u-s-supreme-court A South Florida man just won a First Amendment victory at the Supreme Court in case that could protect disgruntled citizens from arrest for voicing their… Mon, 18 Jun 2018 17:09:38 GMT /news/2018-06-18/south-florida-man-wins-first-amendment-victory-in-the-u-s-supreme-court ALEX DAUGHERTY