High Schools /tags/high-schools High Schools en-US WLRN Thu, 19 Jan 2023 12:00:00 GMT 'Someone who looks like me': Acclaimed author inspires Key West students to write /arts-culture/2023-01-19/someone-who-looks-like-me-acclaimed-author-inspires-key-west-students-to-write Jacqueline Woodson, a MacArthur Fellow whose memoir, Brown Girl Dreaming, won the National Book Award, visited Key West High School during January's Key West Literary Seminar. Thu, 19 Jan 2023 12:00:00 GMT /arts-culture/2023-01-19/someone-who-looks-like-me-acclaimed-author-inspires-key-west-students-to-write Gwen Filosa A Florida high school's yearbook is on hold over student protest photos /news/2022-05-10/a-florida-high-schools-yearbook-is-on-hold-over-student-protest-photos The principal says one page is out of compliance with school board policy since it shows images of students holding rainbow flags and a “love is love” sign. Tue, 10 May 2022 20:38:00 GMT /news/2022-05-10/a-florida-high-schools-yearbook-is-on-hold-over-student-protest-photos Associated Press 'It Did Not Feel Like Senior Year At All': How The Pandemic Impacted High Schoolers Heading To College /local-news/2021-05-31/it-did-not-feel-like-senior-year-at-all-the-pandemics-impact-on-high-schoolers-heading-to-college The 2021 graduating class is unique in so many ways. Staples like prom, graduation and homecoming looked radically different. We hear from a panel of students representing schools across South Florida. Mon, 31 May 2021 15:19:15 GMT /local-news/2021-05-31/it-did-not-feel-like-senior-year-at-all-the-pandemics-impact-on-high-schoolers-heading-to-college Suria Rimer Heard On Sundial: Uncertainty For Graduating High School Seniors And The Miami Music Project /show/sundial/2020-05-19/heard-on-sundial-uncertainty-for-graduating-high-school-seniors-and-the-miami-music-project On this Tuesday, May 19, episode of Sundial: What Does The Future Hold For The High School Graduating Class Of 2020? High school seniors across South… Tue, 19 May 2020 20:35:34 GMT /show/sundial/2020-05-19/heard-on-sundial-uncertainty-for-graduating-high-school-seniors-and-the-miami-music-project Sherrilyn Cabrera, Chris Remington Miami-Dade High Schoolers Get Maritime Career Training At Port Everglades /news/2018-01-30/miami-dade-high-schoolers-get-maritime-career-training-at-port-everglades Some Miami-Dade high schools are trying a new way to get kids ready for life after graduation: getting them to see first-hand job opportunities that… Tue, 30 Jan 2018 16:07:39 GMT /news/2018-01-30/miami-dade-high-schoolers-get-maritime-career-training-at-port-everglades Caitie Muñoz The Health Case For Starting High School Later /education/2016-08-15/the-health-case-for-starting-high-school-later At the start of the school day, Rory Feinberg says "all anyone talks about is how tired they are." Rory just finished 11th grade at Miami Beach High… Mon, 15 Aug 2016 04:26:08 GMT /education/2016-08-15/the-health-case-for-starting-high-school-later Teen Suspected Of Using Nude Photos To Extort Sex /miami-stories/2016-03-11/teen-suspected-of-using-nude-photos-to-extort-sex A Homestead teen was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of using nude photographs to extort sex from two younger high school classmates. It’s the latest in a… Fri, 11 Mar 2016 13:55:52 GMT /miami-stories/2016-03-11/teen-suspected-of-using-nude-photos-to-extort-sex rowan moore gerety Are High School Exit Exams An Unnecessary Barrier To Graduation? /education/2015-06-09/are-high-school-exit-exams-an-unnecessary-barrier-to-graduation The US high school graduation rate is at an all-time high. But why? NPR Ed partnered with 14 member stations around the country to bring you the stories… Tue, 09 Jun 2015 20:15:50 GMT /education/2015-06-09/are-high-school-exit-exams-an-unnecessary-barrier-to-graduation Charter Schools Take Aim at At-Risk Students /2015-05-18/charter-schools-take-aim-at-at-risk-students Of the more than 600 charter schools in Florida. Some focus on the arts, some on sciences. Others are high schools that help students who are at risk... Mon, 18 May 2015 13:08:28 GMT /2015-05-18/charter-schools-take-aim-at-at-risk-students M.S. Butler State Lawmakers Want To Add Financial Education /education/2015-01-16/state-lawmakers-want-to-add-financial-education Lawmakers want Florida students to be smarter about their money.They’ve introduced a bill to make a financial literacy course a high school graduation… Fri, 16 Jan 2015 22:12:13 GMT /education/2015-01-16/state-lawmakers-want-to-add-financial-education