Homeland Security Investigations /tags/homeland-security-investigations Homeland Security Investigations en-US WLRN Tue, 30 Aug 2022 11:00:00 GMT As gang atrocities and gun smuggling become commonplace, Haitians tell PM to resign /news/2022-08-30/as-gang-atrocities-and-gun-smuggling-become-commonplace-haitians-tell-pm-to-resign After another wave of horrific gang murders, Haitians are demanding new government. What, if anything, can the U.S. and the international community do at this point? Tue, 30 Aug 2022 11:00:00 GMT /news/2022-08-30/as-gang-atrocities-and-gun-smuggling-become-commonplace-haitians-tell-pm-to-resign Tim Padgett, Christine DiMattei The U.S. says it's 'ramping up' its campaign against arms trafficking to Haiti and the Caribbean /news/2022-08-17/the-u-s-says-its-ramping-up-its-campaign-against-arms-trafficking-to-haiti-and-the-caribbean Homeland Security Investigations and other agencies are battling a 'marked uptick' in gun smuggling to Haiti, with an increase in both the quantity and the caliber of weapons. Wed, 17 Aug 2022 22:32:48 GMT /news/2022-08-17/the-u-s-says-its-ramping-up-its-campaign-against-arms-trafficking-to-haiti-and-the-caribbean Tim Padgett