interactive maps /tags/interactive-maps interactive maps en-US WLRN Thu, 27 Oct 2022 16:00:00 GMT If Hurricane Ian had struck southeast Florida: Here’s how bad it would have been /environment/2022-10-27/if-hurricane-ian-had-struck-southeast-florida-heres-how-bad-it-would-have-been As federal agencies and local governments reassess flood zones and incorporate new technology, data on sea-level rise and the fact that the concrete jungle doesn’t absorb as much water as the natural environment, they’ve concluded that vast swaths of South Florida — particularly inland areas — are vulnerable to crippling storm surge and flooding from rain. Thu, 27 Oct 2022 16:00:00 GMT /environment/2022-10-27/if-hurricane-ian-had-struck-southeast-florida-heres-how-bad-it-would-have-been Bill Kearney | Sun Sentinel, Scott Travis Want To Learn More About Sea Level Rise? Miami-Dade Offers A Free Training /news/2019-01-28/want-to-learn-more-about-sea-level-rise-miami-dade-offers-a-free-training Miami-Dade County is offering people the chance to learn more about sea-level rise and how to prepare for it with a free training. The course, which is… Mon, 28 Jan 2019 20:06:21 GMT /news/2019-01-28/want-to-learn-more-about-sea-level-rise-miami-dade-offers-a-free-training Andrew Quintana How Many Renters Are In Your Neighborhood? These Apps Will Tell You /how-much-is-enough/2014-01-17/how-many-renters-are-in-your-neighborhood-these-apps-will-tell-you Something about housing stats in particular seems a bit more voyeuristic than say, just the average age of a neighborhood's residents. Housing numbers… Fri, 17 Jan 2014 22:35:22 GMT /how-much-is-enough/2014-01-17/how-many-renters-are-in-your-neighborhood-these-apps-will-tell-you Watch South Beach Disappear Under Sea Level Rise In Hypnotic New GIFs /science/2013-06-20/watch-south-beach-disappear-under-sea-level-rise-in-hypnotic-new-gifs Current climate change and sea level rise models indicate a very grim -- and water-logged -- future for South Florida and Miami in particular. But new… Thu, 20 Jun 2013 14:31:18 GMT /science/2013-06-20/watch-south-beach-disappear-under-sea-level-rise-in-hypnotic-new-gifs