Iraq /tags/iraq Iraq en-US WLRN Thu, 03 Mar 2022 16:12:58 GMT House to vote on bill to help veterans exposed to burn pits /news/2022-03-03/house-to-vote-on-bill-to-help-veterans-exposed-to-burn-pits The bill would open up federal health care benefits to millions of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans exposed to toxic substances during their service. Thu, 03 Mar 2022 16:12:58 GMT /news/2022-03-03/house-to-vote-on-bill-to-help-veterans-exposed-to-burn-pits The Associated Press U.S. Airstrikes Target Iran-Backed Militia Sites In Iraq And Syria /news/2021-06-28/u-s-airstrikes-target-iran-backed-militia-sites-in-iraq-and-syria They mark the second such attacks against similar facilities in and around Syria under the Biden administration. Mon, 28 Jun 2021 12:23:56 GMT /news/2021-06-28/u-s-airstrikes-target-iran-backed-militia-sites-in-iraq-and-syria Jaclyn Diaz Rockets Kill Civilian Contractor, Injure U.S. Service Member, Others In Erbil, Iraq /news/2021-02-16/rockets-kill-civilian-contractor-injure-u-s-service-member-others-in-erbil-iraq Local media reported rockets fell in several areas in and around the city, and multiple people were being treated for injuries in hospital. The identity of the attackers was not immediately clear. Tue, 16 Feb 2021 11:42:09 GMT /news/2021-02-16/rockets-kill-civilian-contractor-injure-u-s-service-member-others-in-erbil-iraq Alice Fordham Twin Suicide Bombings In Baghdad Market Kill At Least 32, Wound Over 100 /news/npr-breaking-news/2021-01-21/twin-suicide-bombings-in-baghdad-market-kill-at-least-32-wound-over-100 Suicide bombings have been rare in the Iraqi capital since the country's military largely defeated the Islamic State group in 2017. But ISIS has reportedly claimed responsibility for the attacks. Thu, 21 Jan 2021 12:23:48 GMT /news/npr-breaking-news/2021-01-21/twin-suicide-bombings-in-baghdad-market-kill-at-least-32-wound-over-100 Jaclyn Diaz, Alice Fordham U.S. Says It Will Cut Number Of Troops In Iraq By Nearly Half This Month /2020-09-09/u-s-says-it-will-cut-number-of-troops-in-iraq-by-nearly-half-this-month Gen. Frank McKenzie, who is responsible for U.S. forces in the Middle East, says the U.S. presence will drop from 5,200 to 3,000 troops in a move he says shows confidence in Iraqi army. Wed, 09 Sep 2020 15:59:41 GMT /2020-09-09/u-s-says-it-will-cut-number-of-troops-in-iraq-by-nearly-half-this-month Merrit Kennedy U.S. Launches Retaliatory Airstrikes In Iraq After Missile Attack /2020-03-12/u-s-launches-retaliatory-airstrikes-in-iraq-after-missile-attack The strikes were "defensive, proportional and in direct response to the threat posed by Iranian-backed Shia militia groups," Pentagon officials said on Thursday. Fri, 13 Mar 2020 01:11:11 GMT /2020-03-12/u-s-launches-retaliatory-airstrikes-in-iraq-after-missile-attack Vanessa Romo, Greg Myre The Aftermath Of Iran's Missile Attack On An Iraqi Base Housing U.S. Troops /npr-breaking-news/2020-01-14/the-aftermath-of-irans-missile-attack-on-an-iraqi-base-housing-u-s-troops NPR international correspondent Jane Arraf and freelance photographer Alexander Tahaov were among journalists invited to tour the Ain al-Assad air base, which houses some 1,500 U.S. troops. Tue, 14 Jan 2020 20:26:00 GMT /npr-breaking-news/2020-01-14/the-aftermath-of-irans-missile-attack-on-an-iraqi-base-housing-u-s-troops Jane Arraf Iran's U.N. Ambassador: Strike On U.S. Bases Was 'Measured, Proportionate Response' /2020-01-09/irans-u-n-ambassador-strike-on-u-s-bases-was-measured-proportionate-response Majid Takht Ravanchi, speaking to Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep, says Iran has no plans for further action against the U.S. but is prepared if Washington renews its aggression. Thu, 09 Jan 2020 10:31:00 GMT /2020-01-09/irans-u-n-ambassador-strike-on-u-s-bases-was-measured-proportionate-response Scott Neuman U.S. Army Alert: You Are Not Being Drafted /2020-01-08/u-s-army-alert-you-are-not-being-drafted Officials say text messages claiming individuals are being called to war in Iran and must contact a recruitment center "are false and were not initiated by this command or the U.S. Army." Wed, 08 Jan 2020 22:43:45 GMT /2020-01-08/u-s-army-alert-you-are-not-being-drafted Vanessa Romo Satellite Photos Reveal Extent Of Damage From Iranian Strike On Air Base In Iraq /2020-01-08/satellite-photos-reveal-extent-of-damage-from-iranian-strike-on-air-base-in-iraq At least five structures were damaged in the attack on the base in Anbar province, which apparently was precise enough to hit individual buildings. There have been no reports of casualties. Wed, 08 Jan 2020 15:30:21 GMT /2020-01-08/satellite-photos-reveal-extent-of-damage-from-iranian-strike-on-air-base-in-iraq Geoff Brumfiel, David Welna