Jerry Goldsmith /tags/jerry-goldsmith Jerry Goldsmith en-US WLRN Mon, 28 Jul 2014 22:34:55 GMT An Appreciation Of Film Composer Jerry Goldsmith /culture/2014-07-28/an-appreciation-of-film-composer-jerry-goldsmith The late Jerry Goldsmith was one of the most gifted and versatile film composers of the 20th Century.Here's an appreciation by Scott Eyman, author of the… Mon, 28 Jul 2014 22:34:55 GMT /culture/2014-07-28/an-appreciation-of-film-composer-jerry-goldsmith Master of Music Series - Jerry Goldsmith /culture/2013-06-09/master-of-music-series-jerry-goldsmith Caroline Breder-Watts and Scott Eyman discuss the work of Jerry Goldsmith, one of the most prolific and influential film composers of the 20th Century. To… Sun, 09 Jun 2013 12:00:00 GMT /culture/2013-06-09/master-of-music-series-jerry-goldsmith