Latin America Report /tags/latin-america-report Latin America Report en-US WLRN Tue, 06 Sep 2022 10:00:00 GMT Why Chileans rejected their new constitution — even after they'd hollered for one /news/2022-09-06/why-chileans-rejected-their-new-constitution-even-after-theyd-hollered-for-one Two years ago, Chileans called — loudly — for a new, more progressive charter. But on Sunday they punted it — and issued Latin America's radical left a warning, too. Tue, 06 Sep 2022 10:00:00 GMT /news/2022-09-06/why-chileans-rejected-their-new-constitution-even-after-theyd-hollered-for-one Tim Padgett, Christine DiMattei As gang atrocities and gun smuggling become commonplace, Haitians tell PM to resign /news/2022-08-30/as-gang-atrocities-and-gun-smuggling-become-commonplace-haitians-tell-pm-to-resign After another wave of horrific gang murders, Haitians are demanding new government. What, if anything, can the U.S. and the international community do at this point? Tue, 30 Aug 2022 11:00:00 GMT /news/2022-08-30/as-gang-atrocities-and-gun-smuggling-become-commonplace-haitians-tell-pm-to-resign Tim Padgett, Christine DiMattei Did U.S.-Cuba dysfunction prevent a quicker end to the Matanzas oil fire disaster? /news/2022-08-19/did-u-s-cuba-dysfunction-prevent-a-quicker-end-to-the-matanzas-oil-fire-disaster A debate is smoldering over whether the U.S. should have lent more help to fight the Cuban oil inferno — and whether Cuba should have more directly requested it. Fri, 19 Aug 2022 09:55:00 GMT /news/2022-08-19/did-u-s-cuba-dysfunction-prevent-a-quicker-end-to-the-matanzas-oil-fire-disaster Tim Padgett Is U.S. investment in Cuban capitalism bad for Cuban communism? Or a lifeline? /news/2022-08-09/is-u-s-investment-in-cuban-capitalism-bad-for-cuban-communism-or-a-lifeline As the Cuban regime keeps crushing democratic dissent, investing in private entrepreneurs seems one effective way to loosen its grip. Many exiles disagree. Tue, 09 Aug 2022 09:58:00 GMT /news/2022-08-09/is-u-s-investment-in-cuban-capitalism-bad-for-cuban-communism-or-a-lifeline Tim Padgett, Catalina Garcia A diaspora lawsuit vs. 'Sweet Micky' reflects bitter frustration with Haitian education /news/2022-07-15/a-diaspora-lawsuit-vs-sweet-micky-reflects-bitter-frustration-with-haitian-education For years Haitian expats have paid service fees for what they thought was an education overhaul in Haiti. Many say it was a scam — and they're suing Haitian officials. Fri, 15 Jul 2022 09:55:00 GMT /news/2022-07-15/a-diaspora-lawsuit-vs-sweet-micky-reflects-bitter-frustration-with-haitian-education Tim Padgett The U.S. and the world are dealing with Venezuela's Maduro again. What about Guaidó? /news/2022-07-08/the-u-s-and-the-world-are-dealing-with-venezuelas-maduro-again-what-about-guaido Turns out Nicolás Maduro's still the guy the world has to talk to in Venezuela. But recognizing Juan Guaidó as the country's legitimate president is still a useful tool. Fri, 08 Jul 2022 10:00:00 GMT /news/2022-07-08/the-u-s-and-the-world-are-dealing-with-venezuelas-maduro-again-what-about-guaido Tim Padgett Mambí Mess: What does the sale of two iconic radio stations tell us about Miami? /news/2022-06-17/mambi-mess-what-does-the-sale-of-two-iconic-radio-stations-tell-us-about-miami The conservative Spanish-language stations that a Democrat-led group is buying are revered by many Cubans in Miami. So why aren't Cubans buying them? Fri, 17 Jun 2022 10:00:00 GMT /news/2022-06-17/mambi-mess-what-does-the-sale-of-two-iconic-radio-stations-tell-us-about-miami Tim Padgett From cocaine cowboys to trade captains: how the 1994 summit transformed Miami /news/2022-06-05/from-cocaine-cowboys-to-trade-captains-how-the-1994-summit-transformed-miami Democracy and trade were suddenly the hemisphere's buzzwords, and Miami was positioned to be the nexus. But it had to imagine itself in a dramatically new way. Sun, 05 Jun 2022 23:03:29 GMT /news/2022-06-05/from-cocaine-cowboys-to-trade-captains-how-the-1994-summit-transformed-miami Tim Padgett Miami's fixated on Biden's Cuba moves — but his Venezuela move matters, too. /news/2022-05-24/miamis-fixated-on-bidens-cuba-moves-but-his-venezuela-move-matters-too President Biden's Cuba policy changes got wall-to-wall South Florida coverage last week. His Venezuela move, not so much — but it could be just as consequential. Tue, 24 May 2022 09:54:00 GMT /news/2022-05-24/miamis-fixated-on-bidens-cuba-moves-but-his-venezuela-move-matters-too Tim Padgett, Sherrilyn Cabrera Croix-des-Bouquets Crisis: a Caribbean arts center is Haiti's gang violence epicenter /news/2022-05-17/croix-des-bouquets-crisis-a-caribbean-arts-center-is-haitis-gang-violence-epicenter One of Haiti's most important cultural cradles is in the grip of one of its most violent street gangs. It's a stark reminder why the country's collapse needs a solution. Tue, 17 May 2022 09:57:00 GMT /news/2022-05-17/croix-des-bouquets-crisis-a-caribbean-arts-center-is-haitis-gang-violence-epicenter Tim Padgett