marine industry /tags/marine-industry marine industry en-US WLRN Thu, 25 Apr 2024 10:00:00 GMT ‘A lot of resumes’ but still rough seas for hiring in Broward’s marine industry /business/2024-04-25/jobs-unemployment-florida-marine-industry The multi-billion dollar marine industry in South Florida is among those struggling to find skilled workers in a tight job market. Wages have been rising — but so has the cost of living. "The biggest challenge for our growth is really finding that great technical labor force," said one boss. Thu, 25 Apr 2024 10:00:00 GMT /business/2024-04-25/jobs-unemployment-florida-marine-industry Tom Hudson The Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show Plans To Move Forward This Fall Despite Pandemic /news/2020-07-26/the-fort-lauderdale-international-boat-show-plans-to-move-forward-this-fall-despite-pandemic The Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, better known as FLIBS, has officially sent out its call to 'Save The Date' for the 2020 show. Despite the… Sun, 26 Jul 2020 20:20:44 GMT /news/2020-07-26/the-fort-lauderdale-international-boat-show-plans-to-move-forward-this-fall-despite-pandemic Caitie Muñoz The Sunshine Economy: Building Boat Sharing Company Boatsetter /show/the-sunshine-economy/2019-04-30/the-sunshine-economy-building-boat-sharing-company-boatsetter For several years, South Florida has been working on its technology credentials. Tech incubators, accelerators, pitch competitions and other efforts have… Tue, 30 Apr 2019 19:32:37 GMT /show/the-sunshine-economy/2019-04-30/the-sunshine-economy-building-boat-sharing-company-boatsetter Tom Hudson Marine Researchers Pitch Projects To Boaters At Fort Lauderdale Boat Show /news/2018-11-01/marine-researchers-pitch-projects-to-boaters-at-fort-lauderdale-boat-show A collaboration of marine researchers presented their research projects at the Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show Thursday, in hopes of finding funds and support… Thu, 01 Nov 2018 23:46:51 GMT /news/2018-11-01/marine-researchers-pitch-projects-to-boaters-at-fort-lauderdale-boat-show Caitie Muñoz Marine Research Hub Is Unveiled At The Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show /news/2017-11-02/marine-research-hub-is-unveiled-at-the-fort-lauderdale-international-boat-show Something much larger than a luxury yacht was unveiled at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show on Thursday.South Florida’s new Marine Research Hub… Thu, 02 Nov 2017 20:53:53 GMT /news/2017-11-02/marine-research-hub-is-unveiled-at-the-fort-lauderdale-international-boat-show Caitie Switalski We Spent The Night On A Nuclear Submarine. Awesome Sonar, Lousy Email. /news/2016-05-03/we-spent-the-night-on-a-nuclear-submarine-awesome-sonar-lousy-email You are always in someone’s way on the nuclear submarine USS California.People can only pass in the hall sideways. Head clearance isn't very generous,… Wed, 04 May 2016 03:02:55 GMT /news/2016-05-03/we-spent-the-night-on-a-nuclear-submarine-awesome-sonar-lousy-email Sammy Mack Broward's $10.6 Billion Boating Industry /show/topical-currents/2013-02-07/browards-10-6-billion-boating-industry 02/07/13 - Thursday's Topical Currents looks at the economic impact of the South Florida marine industry. Business leaders say coastal development has… Thu, 07 Feb 2013 18:00:00 GMT /show/topical-currents/2013-02-07/browards-10-6-billion-boating-industry Joseph Cooper