Medicare-for-all /tags/medicare-for-all Medicare-for-all en-US WLRN Mon, 21 Feb 2022 11:52:47 GMT The 1st public option health plan in the U.S. struggles to gain traction /2022-02-21/the-1st-public-option-health-plan-in-the-u-s-struggles-to-gain-traction Washington is the first state to introduce a public option for health insurance, but it has been difficult to get hospitals on board. Other states with public options in the works are taking notice. Mon, 21 Feb 2022 11:52:47 GMT /2022-02-21/the-1st-public-option-health-plan-in-the-u-s-struggles-to-gain-traction Markian Hawryluk MAGA Thugs, Bernie Bros: Trump, Sanders Invite LatAm Strongmen Comparisons /news/2020-02-19/maga-thugs-bernie-bros-trump-sanders-invite-latam-strongmen-comparisons COMMENTARYIt took forever. But Democrats finally seem to have found an answer to President Trump’s claim – directed for years now at Latino voters in… Wed, 19 Feb 2020 23:33:52 GMT /news/2020-02-19/maga-thugs-bernie-bros-trump-sanders-invite-latam-strongmen-comparisons Tim Padgett