migrants /tags/migrants migrants en-US WLRN Tue, 23 Jul 2024 14:32:27 GMT The hottest states in the country, like Florida, are requesting more agricultural workers /environment/2024-07-23/the-hottest-states-in-the-country-like-florida-are-requesting-more-agricultural-workers The national report comes shortly after Florida banned local heat protections for outdoor workers. Tue, 23 Jul 2024 14:32:27 GMT /environment/2024-07-23/the-hottest-states-in-the-country-like-florida-are-requesting-more-agricultural-workers Jessica Meszaros Migrants pause in the Amazon because getting to the U.S. is harder /americas/2024-07-05/migrants-pause-in-the-amazon-because-getting-to-the-u-s-is-harder Migrants, police, officials and analysts say President Joe Biden’s halt on asylum has caused a wait-and-see attitude among migrants who are staying in Brazil. Like anywhere along migrants’ routes to new lives, local communities are finding it hard to meet the new populations’ needs. Fri, 05 Jul 2024 13:00:00 GMT /americas/2024-07-05/migrants-pause-in-the-amazon-because-getting-to-the-u-s-is-harder The Associated Press Venezuelans consider leaving if Maduro is reelected /americas/2024-05-31/venezuelans-consider-leaving-maduro-reelected As Maduro shifts from migration denier to defender, Venezuelans consider leaving if he is reelected, primarily for economic reasons a recent poll shows. Fri, 31 May 2024 18:36:18 GMT /americas/2024-05-31/venezuelans-consider-leaving-maduro-reelected Regina Garcia Cano| Associated Press Study sets to recognize the history of Miami-Dade's migrant farmworker community /history/2024-05-23/miami-dade-migrant-farmworker-community-historical-preservation A new study is looking into the people and places that make up Miami-Dade County's migrant farmworker communities — and their historical significance to the region. Thu, 23 May 2024 11:00:00 GMT /history/2024-05-23/miami-dade-migrant-farmworker-community-historical-preservation Sherrilyn Cabrera, Elise Catrion Gregg The other busing program: Mexico is pushing migrants back south /americas/2024-05-16/the-other-busing-program-mexico-is-pushing-migrants-back-south In response to pressure from the Biden administration to curb migration flows, Mexico has quietly bused thousands of migrants away from the U.S. border to sites deep in the country’s south. Thu, 16 May 2024 13:46:20 GMT /americas/2024-05-16/the-other-busing-program-mexico-is-pushing-migrants-back-south Simon Romero and Paulina Villegas | The New York Times Biden is tweaking an asylum rule to speed up deportation for some migrants /national-politics/2024-05-08/biden-is-tweaking-an-asylum-rule-to-speed-up-deportation-for-some-migrants President Biden had said he wanted the power to effectively "shut down the border" when migration numbers surge. But this rule is an incremental shift. Wed, 08 May 2024 21:35:17 GMT /national-politics/2024-05-08/biden-is-tweaking-an-asylum-rule-to-speed-up-deportation-for-some-migrants Deepa Shivaram Despite a fortified border, migrants will keep coming, analysts agree. Here's why. /npr-breaking-news/2024-04-22/despite-a-fortified-border-migrants-will-keep-coming-analysts-agree-heres-why The number of people coming from South and Central American is rising and they will eventually arrive at the U.S. Southern border, analysts say. Mon, 22 Apr 2024 21:04:46 GMT /npr-breaking-news/2024-04-22/despite-a-fortified-border-migrants-will-keep-coming-analysts-agree-heres-why Sergio Martínez-Beltrán Migrants sent to Massachusetts by DeSantis can sue the flight company /law-justice/2024-04-02/migrants-massachusetts-desantis-charter-flight-company A federal judge has ruled that lawyers representing migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard nearly two years ago can sue the charter flight company. Tue, 02 Apr 2024 13:49:44 GMT /law-justice/2024-04-02/migrants-massachusetts-desantis-charter-flight-company The Associated Press A migrant mother’s struggle to get back her son /immigration/2024-03-27/a-migrant-mothers-struggle-to-get-back-her-son She came to the United States fleeing her abuser. When child welfare got involved, she risked losing her son forever. Wed, 27 Mar 2024 11:00:00 GMT /immigration/2024-03-27/a-migrant-mothers-struggle-to-get-back-her-son Deborah Sontag | The New York Times PolitiFact FL: Migrants in parole program do not receive free flights to the US /immigration/2024-03-21/migrants-parole-program-flights Recent social media posts claimed that migrants can use an app to get free flights to the U.S. People granted parole do not receive free flights to the U.S. They buy their own plane tickets. Thu, 21 Mar 2024 13:30:09 GMT /immigration/2024-03-21/migrants-parole-program-flights Marta Campabadal Graus | Politifact