nature /tags/nature nature en-US WLRN Wed, 22 Feb 2023 12:00:00 GMT From the Panhandle to the Everglades: A Miami native hikes the long way home /environment/2023-02-22/from-the-panhandle-to-the-everglades-a-miami-native-hikes-the-long-way-home A Miami native sets out to walk the length of the Florida Trail, starting in Pensacola down to Big Cypress in Miami. Wed, 22 Feb 2023 12:00:00 GMT /environment/2023-02-22/from-the-panhandle-to-the-everglades-a-miami-native-hikes-the-long-way-home Alyssa Ramos Rare rehabilitated sea turtle released off Florida Keys /environment/2022-12-27/rare-rehabilitated-sea-turtle-released-off-florida-keys A rare hawksbill sea turtle found injured earlier this month by divers on a shipwreck off Key Largo, was fitted with a satellite tracking tag and returned to the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary after it was treated at the Keys-based Turtle Hospital. Tue, 27 Dec 2022 19:30:00 GMT /environment/2022-12-27/rare-rehabilitated-sea-turtle-released-off-florida-keys A U.N. pact finds agreement to save nature seen as vital for biodiversity /environment/2022-12-19/a-u-n-pact-finds-agreement-to-save-nature-seen-as-vital-for-biodiversity The most significant part of the U.N. pact is a commitment to protect 30% of land and water considered important for biodiversity by 2030, up from 17% of terrestrial and 10% of marine areas. Mon, 19 Dec 2022 19:00:00 GMT /environment/2022-12-19/a-u-n-pact-finds-agreement-to-save-nature-seen-as-vital-for-biodiversity The Associated Press Despite its innocently furry appearance, the puss caterpillar's sting is brutal /news/2022-09-07/despite-its-innocently-furry-appearance-the-puss-caterpillars-sting-is-brutal The puss caterpillar has venomous barbs along its hairy body, and they cause extreme pain for many people who come into contact with one of the fuzzy little bugs. Wed, 07 Sep 2022 14:30:00 GMT /news/2022-09-07/despite-its-innocently-furry-appearance-the-puss-caterpillars-sting-is-brutal Dustin Jones Amazon birds are shrinking as the climate warms, prompting warning from scientists /2021-11-15/amazon-birds-are-shrinking-as-the-climate-warms-prompting-warning-from-scientists A new study examined 77 bird species in the Amazon over a 40-year period. It found they were rapidly evolving due to rising temperatures because smaller birds shed heat more efficiently. Tue, 16 Nov 2021 11:31:23 GMT /2021-11-15/amazon-birds-are-shrinking-as-the-climate-warms-prompting-warning-from-scientists Christopher Intagliata, Lauren Hodges Immerse yourself in nature with these 2021 Wildlife Photographer of the Year images /2021-10-13/immerse-yourself-in-nature-with-these-2021-wildlife-photographer-of-the-year-images The top two winners of the 2021 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition were selected from more than 50,000 entries worldwide. They are a biologist from France and a 10-year-old from India. Thu, 14 Oct 2021 12:49:50 GMT /2021-10-13/immerse-yourself-in-nature-with-these-2021-wildlife-photographer-of-the-year-images Rachel Treisman, Catie Dull Conservationists Gather Signatures for Five Rights of Nature Amendments /news/2021-06-17/conservationists-gather-signatures-for-five-rights-of-nature-amendments The Rights of Nature initiative was overwhelmingly passed by Orange County voters last fall. Now, activists statewide are hoping to get not just one, but five Rights of Nature constitutional amendment changes on the ballot in 2022. Thu, 17 Jun 2021 14:17:15 GMT /news/2021-06-17/conservationists-gather-signatures-for-five-rights-of-nature-amendments Valerie Vande Panne Brood X Cicadas Are Busy And So Are The Scientists Who Study Them /2021-05-25/brood-x-cicadas-are-busy-and-so-are-the-scientists-who-study-them When a critter spends 17 years underground, it's not easy to study. So as Brood X cicadas break out, they're followed closely by researchers who must cram a lot of work in about six weeks. Tue, 25 May 2021 20:38:00 GMT /2021-05-25/brood-x-cicadas-are-busy-and-so-are-the-scientists-who-study-them Nell Greenfieldboyce 'Rights of Nature' Aims To Give Legal Status To Streams, Rivers /news/2021-05-07/rights-of-nature-aims-to-give-legal-status-to-streams-rivers Supporters of what's being called the "Rights of Nature" are planning to get a constitutional amendment on the statewide ballot to grant these legal rights across Florida. Fri, 07 May 2021 16:15:48 GMT /news/2021-05-07/rights-of-nature-aims-to-give-legal-status-to-streams-rivers Steve Newborn Do Those Birds Sound Louder To You? An Ornithologist Says You're Just Hearing Things /2020-05-06/do-those-birds-sound-louder-to-you-an-ornithologist-says-youre-just-hearing-things Think of how it works in a noisy bar: people raise their voices to be heard. Same for birds. With less background noise outside these days, it's likely that birds are actually singing more quietly. Wed, 06 May 2020 09:04:00 GMT /2020-05-06/do-those-birds-sound-louder-to-you-an-ornithologist-says-youre-just-hearing-things David Greene