opioid /tags/opioid opioid en-US WLRN Mon, 16 Sep 2024 20:00:00 GMT For people with opioid addiction, Medicaid overhaul comes with risks /npr-breaking-news/2024-09-16/for-people-with-opioid-addiction-medicaid-overhaul-comes-with-risks More than a million Americans use Medicaid to get addiction treatments like methadone. But as states update their systems, some patients have lost coverage. Even a short gap can be life-threatening. Mon, 16 Sep 2024 20:00:00 GMT /npr-breaking-news/2024-09-16/for-people-with-opioid-addiction-medicaid-overhaul-comes-with-risks Stephanie Colombini, Kim Krisberg Politicians say they'll stop fentanyl smugglers. Experts say new drug war won't work /national/npr-breaking-news/2023-02-21/politicians-say-theyll-stop-fentanyl-smugglers-experts-say-new-drug-war-wont-work As fentanyl deaths soar, political pressure is growing to stop Mexican cartels that smuggle the drug. Experts on drug trafficking say trying to lock down the Mexican border is an impossible goal. Tue, 21 Feb 2023 10:00:00 GMT /national/npr-breaking-news/2023-02-21/politicians-say-theyll-stop-fentanyl-smugglers-experts-say-new-drug-war-wont-work Brian Mann Miami-Dade and others cities sue company involved in opioid epidemic /health/2022-12-22/miami-dade-and-others-cities-sue-company-involved-in-opioid-epidemic Miami-Dade County and other cities have filed lawsuits against the global consulting firm McKinsey & Company over its past work in helping market opioids. Thu, 22 Dec 2022 15:30:00 GMT /health/2022-12-22/miami-dade-and-others-cities-sue-company-involved-in-opioid-epidemic Jim Saunders People addicted to opioids rarely get life-saving medications. That may change. /2022-12-17/people-addicted-to-opioids-rarely-get-life-saving-medications-that-may-change The Biden administration is moving to make it easier for Americans with opioid addiction to gain access to medical treatments proven to save lives. Sat, 17 Dec 2022 10:00:35 GMT /2022-12-17/people-addicted-to-opioids-rarely-get-life-saving-medications-that-may-change Brian Mann A major drugmaker plans to sell overdose-reversal nasal spray Narcan over the counter /2022-12-13/a-major-drugmaker-plans-to-sell-overdose-reversal-nasal-spray-narcan-over-the-counter Emergent BioSolutions has applied to the Food and Drug Administration to sell the opioid overdose-reversal drug over the counter. Addiction experts say it may be a key step to lower fentanyl deaths. Tue, 13 Dec 2022 10:00:00 GMT /2022-12-13/a-major-drugmaker-plans-to-sell-overdose-reversal-nasal-spray-narcan-over-the-counter Brian Mann The White House unveils a new system to track and better prevent opioid overdoses /national/2022-12-08/the-white-house-unveils-a-new-system-to-track-and-better-prevent-opioid-overdoses The Biden administration will use data from EMS first responders to track overdoses. The focus will be on improving response to a public health crisis that kills more than 100,000 Americans annually. Thu, 08 Dec 2022 10:00:09 GMT /national/2022-12-08/the-white-house-unveils-a-new-system-to-track-and-better-prevent-opioid-overdoses Brian Mann States differ on how best to spend $26B from settlement in opioid cases /health/npr-breaking-news/2022-11-22/states-differ-on-how-best-to-spend-26b-from-settlement-in-opioid-cases The cash represents an unprecedented opportunity to derail the opioid epidemic. But with countless groups advocating for a share of the pie, the impact could depend heavily on geography and politics. Tue, 22 Nov 2022 19:00:00 GMT /health/npr-breaking-news/2022-11-22/states-differ-on-how-best-to-spend-26b-from-settlement-in-opioid-cases Aneri Pattani CDC issues new opioid prescribing guidance, giving doctors more leeway to treat pain /health/2022-11-03/cdc-issues-new-opioid-prescribing-guidance-giving-doctors-more-leeway-to-treat-pain The updated recommendations seek to course correct after guidelines from 2016 were criticized for harshly limiting access to needed pain medication. Fri, 04 Nov 2022 14:00:00 GMT /health/2022-11-03/cdc-issues-new-opioid-prescribing-guidance-giving-doctors-more-leeway-to-treat-pain Will Stone, Pien Huang CVS and Walgreens announce nationwide opioid settlements totaling $10 billion /health/2022-11-03/cvs-and-walgreens-announce-nationwide-opioid-settlements-totaling-10-billion The developments amount to what could be the last round of huge settlements after years of litigation over the drug industry’s role in an overdose crisis that has been linked to more than 500,000 U,S. deaths. Thu, 03 Nov 2022 19:00:00 GMT /health/2022-11-03/cvs-and-walgreens-announce-nationwide-opioid-settlements-totaling-10-billion Associated Press In close races, Republicans attack Democrats over fentanyl and the overdose crisis /2022-10-27/in-close-races-republicans-attack-democrats-over-fentanyl-and-the-overdose-crisis Many Republicans have recast the debate over drugs and fentanyl as a crime and border security problem. Often their attacks are based on conspiracy theories and discredited ideas about addiction. Thu, 27 Oct 2022 09:00:42 GMT /2022-10-27/in-close-races-republicans-attack-democrats-over-fentanyl-and-the-overdose-crisis Brian Mann