plastic bags ban /tags/plastic-bags-ban plastic bags ban en-US WLRN Fri, 14 Feb 2020 21:34:23 GMT Plastic Bag Ban is the Latest Battle in Home Rule War /show/the-florida-roundup/2020-02-14/plastic-bag-ban-is-the-latest-battle-in-home-rule-war It’s called “the plastic monster.” The 15-foot sculpture made of plastic bags, bottles, and packaging visited the state Capitol in Tallahassee earlier… Fri, 14 Feb 2020 21:34:23 GMT /show/the-florida-roundup/2020-02-14/plastic-bag-ban-is-the-latest-battle-in-home-rule-war Appeals Court Blocks Coral Gables' Styrofoam Ban /news/2019-08-14/appeals-court-blocks-coral-gables-styrofoam-ban Siding with the Florida Retail Federation and upholding the constitutionality of state laws, an appeals court Wednesday rejected a 2016 move by the city… Wed, 14 Aug 2019 17:54:32 GMT /news/2019-08-14/appeals-court-blocks-coral-gables-styrofoam-ban Dara Kam - News Service of Florida Are Plastic Bag Bans Garbage? /2019-04-09/are-plastic-bag-bans-garbage A national movement to ban plastic bags is gaining steam, but these restrictions may actually hurt the environment more than help it. Tue, 09 Apr 2019 12:04:00 GMT /2019-04-09/are-plastic-bag-bans-garbage Greg Rosalsky Stomach Of Dead Whale Contained 'Nothing But Nonstop Plastic' /2019-03-18/stomach-of-dead-whale-contained-nothing-but-nonstop-plastic In the Philippines, marine biologist Darrell Blatchley recovered the body of a young whale that showed signs of emaciation and dehydration due to the 88 pounds of plastic it had ingested. Mon, 18 Mar 2019 19:06:34 GMT /2019-03-18/stomach-of-dead-whale-contained-nothing-but-nonstop-plastic Dalia Mortada Debate Continues Over Local Plastic Bans Across Florida /show/sundial/2019-03-06/debate-continues-over-local-plastic-bans-across-florida From toothbrushes, to water bottles, to straws, plastics are a part of everyday life. And yet the damage they cause to oceans and wildlife is well… Thu, 07 Mar 2019 00:03:05 GMT /show/sundial/2019-03-06/debate-continues-over-local-plastic-bans-across-florida Luis Hernandez, Chris Remington Delray Beach Is Latest South Florida City To Vote On Plastic Straw Ban /news/2019-02-05/delray-beach-is-latest-south-florida-city-to-vote-on-plastic-straw-ban Delray Beach commissioners voted Tuesday to ban single-use plastic straws in restaurants by mid-2020.The city is the first in Palm Beach County to pass… Tue, 05 Feb 2019 22:13:30 GMT /news/2019-02-05/delray-beach-is-latest-south-florida-city-to-vote-on-plastic-straw-ban Alexander Gonzalez Can I Get A Sustainable Spork? Campaign Kicks Off To Eliminate Single-Use Plastics In Greater Miami /news/2018-01-10/can-i-get-a-sustainable-spork-campaign-kicks-off-to-eliminate-single-use-plastics-in-greater-miami By 2050, the world’s oceans are on track to contain more plastic than fish, by weight.That’s according to the World Economic Forum. The plight of oceans… Wed, 10 Jan 2018 17:00:15 GMT /news/2018-01-10/can-i-get-a-sustainable-spork-campaign-kicks-off-to-eliminate-single-use-plastics-in-greater-miami Florida Coastal Communities Could Soon Ban Plastic Bags /health-news-florida/2017-03-23/florida-coastal-communities-could-soon-ban-plastic-bags Thu, 23 Mar 2017 12:44:00 GMT /health-news-florida/2017-03-23/florida-coastal-communities-could-soon-ban-plastic-bags The Associated Press