Pregnant /tags/pregnant Pregnant en-US WLRN Wed, 19 Apr 2023 12:55:06 GMT Florida's abortion laws protect a pregnant person's life, but not for mental health /health/npr-breaking-news/2023-04-19/floridas-abortion-laws-protect-a-pregnant-persons-life-but-not-for-mental-health If a pregnant person is struggling with mental health and considering suicide, several states' laws, including Florida's, specifically say the "life of the mother" exception does not apply to them. Wed, 19 Apr 2023 12:55:06 GMT /health/npr-breaking-news/2023-04-19/floridas-abortion-laws-protect-a-pregnant-persons-life-but-not-for-mental-health Regan McCarthy 'Ava's Law' defers prison time for pregnant inmates in Florida /government-politics/2023-04-11/avas-law-defers-prison-time-for-pregnant-inmates-in-florida A measure moving forward in the Florida House would allow pregnant women convicted of felonies to seek to delay going to prison for up to three months after giving birth. Tue, 11 Apr 2023 19:30:00 GMT /government-politics/2023-04-11/avas-law-defers-prison-time-for-pregnant-inmates-in-florida Ryan Dailey | News Service of Florida More states to consider extending postpartum Medicaid coverage beyond two months /health/2022-12-09/more-states-to-consider-extending-postpartum-medicaid-coverage-beyond-two-months Fifteen states haven’t moved to extend Medicaid coverage for new moms beyond the minimum of 60 days. But at least four are expected to consider proposals in upcoming legislative sessions. Fri, 09 Dec 2022 20:00:00 GMT /health/2022-12-09/more-states-to-consider-extending-postpartum-medicaid-coverage-beyond-two-months Matt Volz - Kaiser Health News Florida abortion restriction law challenged with lawsuit /news/2022-06-02/florida-abortion-restriction-law-challenged-with-lawsuit Reproductive health providers sued Florida on Wednesday over a new law banning abortions after 15 weeks, one of numerous legal challenges to such laws passed across the country by Republican leaders in anticipation of a potential U.S. Supreme Court decision that would limit the procedure. Thu, 02 Jun 2022 11:21:06 GMT /news/2022-06-02/florida-abortion-restriction-law-challenged-with-lawsuit Anthony Izaguirre | the Associated Press A hospital hiked the price of a routine childbirth by calling it an 'emergency' /news/2021-10-27/a-hospital-hiked-the-price-of-a-routine-childbirth-by-calling-it-an-emergency Obstetrical emergency departments are a new aspect of some hospitals that can inflate medical bills for even the easiest, healthiest births. Just ask baby Gus' parents about their $2,755 ER charge. Wed, 27 Oct 2021 09:00:00 GMT /news/2021-10-27/a-hospital-hiked-the-price-of-a-routine-childbirth-by-calling-it-an-emergency Rae Ellen Bichell I'm pregnant. Should I get a COVID vaccine? A Sarasota doctor answers your questions /news/2021-10-14/im-pregnant-should-i-get-a-covid-vaccine-a-sarasota-doctor-answers-your-questions Dr. Washington Hill has worked as an OB-GYN for more than 50 years, and specializes in high-risk pregnancies. Thu, 14 Oct 2021 12:53:38 GMT /news/2021-10-14/im-pregnant-should-i-get-a-covid-vaccine-a-sarasota-doctor-answers-your-questions Kerry Sheridan Are You Pregnant? The CDC Really Wants You To Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19 /2021-09-30/are-you-pregnant-the-cdc-really-wants-you-to-get-vaccinated-against-covid-19 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says cases of COVID-19 in symptomatic pregnant people have a higher risk of admission into intensive care and a 70% increased risk of death. Thu, 30 Sep 2021 12:47:04 GMT /2021-09-30/are-you-pregnant-the-cdc-really-wants-you-to-get-vaccinated-against-covid-19 Jaclyn Diaz The House Passes A Bill Meant To Counter Texas-Style Abortion Bans /2021-09-24/the-house-passes-a-bill-meant-to-counter-texas-style-abortion-bans The vote is an attempt by Democrats to protect abortion rights as states set increasingly restrictive laws. But the bill faces dim prospects in the Senate. Fri, 24 Sep 2021 12:22:03 GMT /2021-09-24/the-house-passes-a-bill-meant-to-counter-texas-style-abortion-bans Barbara Sprunt Her Own Birth Was 'Fertility Fraud' And Now She Needs Fertility Treatment /2020-01-20/her-own-birth-was-fertility-fraud-and-now-she-needs-fertility-treatment Years ago, doctors sometimes lied about whose sperm they used for artificial inseminations. Could it happen now? Some argue regulation is weak in the multibillion dollar fertility treatment industry. Mon, 20 Jan 2020 10:02:00 GMT /2020-01-20/her-own-birth-was-fertility-fraud-and-now-she-needs-fertility-treatment Lauren Bavis, Jake Harper Some Pregnant Women Use Weed For Morning Sickness But FDA Cautions Against It /2019-10-28/some-pregnant-women-use-weed-for-morning-sickness-but-fda-cautions-against-it Use of the drug during pregnancy has been linked to higher risk for premature birth and low birth weight. But some women with severe nausea feel they're out of other options. Mon, 28 Oct 2019 09:04:00 GMT /2019-10-28/some-pregnant-women-use-weed-for-morning-sickness-but-fda-cautions-against-it Rhitu Chatterjee