road safety /tags/road-safety road safety en-US WLRN Wed, 29 May 2024 14:07:05 GMT The 100 deadliest days for teen drivers have begun /florida-news/2024-05-29/the-100-deadliest-days-for-teen-drivers-have-begun Teen drivers are at an increased risk of being involved in fatal crashes over the next few months. In 2023, Florida teens were involved in 20,000 crashes during the 100 deadliest days, including 68 fatal accidents. Wed, 29 May 2024 14:07:05 GMT /florida-news/2024-05-29/the-100-deadliest-days-for-teen-drivers-have-begun Tyler Luginski Some Florida doctors hope new golf cart law will curb a rise in youth injuries /health/2023-08-25/golf-cart-law-youth-injuries Thousands of kids are injured in golf cart accidents each year in the U.S. In Florida, teens can drive carts with minimal oversight. But that's about to change. Fri, 25 Aug 2023 11:00:00 GMT /health/2023-08-25/golf-cart-law-youth-injuries Stephanie Colombini Could a light rail line help ease congestion in Palm Beach County? /2023-01-17/could-a-light-rail-line-help-ease-the-congestion-in-palm-beach-county To help combat congestion amid a growing population, Palm Beach County may implement a light rail system. WLRN's Wilkine Brutus spoke to Valerie Nielson, executive director of the county's Transportation Planning Agency, about how they plan to move residents along their busiest roads. Tue, 17 Jan 2023 12:00:00 GMT /2023-01-17/could-a-light-rail-line-help-ease-the-congestion-in-palm-beach-county Natu Tweh Florida is one of the most dangerous states for driving, a recent report shows /news/2022-12-29/florida-is-one-of-the-most-dangerous-states-for-driving-a-recent-report-shows On a scale of 1 to 10, Florida scored a 2 for optimal road safety laws. Only Montana and Wyoming scored lower, according to a study from Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety Thu, 29 Dec 2022 13:00:00 GMT /news/2022-12-29/florida-is-one-of-the-most-dangerous-states-for-driving-a-recent-report-shows Sky Lebron Annual highway report ranks Florida roads as 41st overall in U.S. /news/2021-12-27/annual-highway-report-ranks-florida-roads-as-41st-overall-in-u-s Florida ranks in the bottom 10 of all states in six categories including traffic fatality rates, but gets high points for the condition of its bridges and pavement Mon, 27 Dec 2021 13:08:13 GMT /news/2021-12-27/annual-highway-report-ranks-florida-roads-as-41st-overall-in-u-s Cathy Carter New Local Safety Alerts Are Coming To Traffic-Weary Miami-Dade Waze Users /news/2021-05-19/new-local-safety-alerts-are-coming-to-traffic-weary-miami-dade-waze-users For UN Global Road Safety Week, the app is rolling out a new feature for its local government partners to send drivers safety messages while they're stopped. Wed, 19 May 2021 22:01:02 GMT /news/2021-05-19/new-local-safety-alerts-are-coming-to-traffic-weary-miami-dade-waze-users Caitie Muñoz Sick Of Speeders On Your Street? Put Away The Middle Finger, Try 'Traffic Calming' /news/2018-11-02/sick-of-speeders-on-your-street-put-away-the-middle-finger-try-traffic-calming Cut-through traffic has gotten so bad in one formerly tranquil pocket of Coral Gables that a pickup truck barreling through the neighborhood lost control… Fri, 02 Nov 2018 11:34:42 GMT /news/2018-11-02/sick-of-speeders-on-your-street-put-away-the-middle-finger-try-traffic-calming Linda Robertson Even As Cars Get Safer, Traffic Fatalities Still High /2018-08-22/even-as-cars-get-safer-traffic-fatalities-still-high The U.S. is on pace to record close to 40,000 roadway and highway deaths this year. But there is some evidence that drivers are texting less behind the wheel. Wed, 22 Aug 2018 12:55:16 GMT /2018-08-22/even-as-cars-get-safer-traffic-fatalities-still-high David Schaper Fatal Pedestrian Crashes Increasingly Involve SUVs, Study Finds /2018-05-14/fatal-pedestrian-crashes-increasingly-involve-suvs-study-finds Pedestrian deaths have spiked in the U.S. since 2010. SUVs have surged in popularity, but their design can be especially deadly for those on foot. Mon, 14 May 2018 22:01:15 GMT /2018-05-14/fatal-pedestrian-crashes-increasingly-involve-suvs-study-finds Laurel Wamsley With St. Patrick's Day On Sat., AAA Urges Caution With More Drivers Expected /2018-03-15/with-st-patricks-day-on-sat-aaa-urges-caution-with-more-drivers-expected St. Patrick’s Day falls on Saturday this year, and AAA officials say they’re expecting to see much more drivers on the roadways. They’re offering... Thu, 15 Mar 2018 21:30:10 GMT /2018-03-15/with-st-patricks-day-on-sat-aaa-urges-caution-with-more-drivers-expected Sascha Cordner