Sarah Sanders /tags/sarah-sanders Sarah Sanders en-US WLRN Mon, 14 Oct 2019 10:22:10 GMT Video Meme Of President Gunning Down Foes Shown At Trump National Doral, NYT Reports /news/2019-10-14/video-meme-of-president-gunning-down-foes-shown-at-trump-national-doral-nyt-reports A crude video meme depicting President Donald Trump gunning down political foes and media organizations inside a church was shown this weekend during a… Mon, 14 Oct 2019 10:22:10 GMT /news/2019-10-14/video-meme-of-president-gunning-down-foes-shown-at-trump-national-doral-nyt-reports DAVID SMILEY No Longer Daily, White House Press Briefings Fade As Trump Does The Talking /2018-10-11/no-longer-daily-white-house-press-briefings-fade-as-trump-does-the-talking The briefings, which were must-see TV early on in the Trump administration, are now shorter and less frequent. But reporters are getting more chances to ask the president questions directly. Fri, 12 Oct 2018 02:00:00 GMT /2018-10-11/no-longer-daily-white-house-press-briefings-fade-as-trump-does-the-talking Tamara Keith