school walkouts /tags/school-walkouts school walkouts en-US WLRN Fri, 21 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT Florida students walkout in protest of laws that restrict the teaching of LGBTQ, Black history /education/2023-04-21/florida-students-walkout-in-protest-of-laws-that-restrict-the-teaching-of-lgbtq-black-history High school and college students across Florida will walk out of their classrooms in protest of legislation that restricts what they can learn in school. Fri, 21 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT /education/2023-04-21/florida-students-walkout-in-protest-of-laws-that-restrict-the-teaching-of-lgbtq-black-history Danielle Prieur 'Tired of the inaction': Teens behind COVID-19 walkouts in Colorado, Texas want schools to do more /news/2022-01-21/tired-of-the-inaction-teens-behind-covid-19-walkouts-in-colorado-texas-want-schools-to-do-more High school students across the country are concerned about COVID-19 safety and demanding more protections from their districts. Fri, 21 Jan 2022 19:23:47 GMT /news/2022-01-21/tired-of-the-inaction-teens-behind-covid-19-walkouts-in-colorado-texas-want-schools-to-do-more Minnesota Students Walk Out Of School To Protest Racial Injustice /news/2021-04-21/minnesota-students-walk-out-of-school-to-protest-racial-injustice Across the state young people left class in an impromptu demonstration as jurors in Minneapolis began deliberating in the Derek Chauvin trial. Wed, 21 Apr 2021 10:27:17 GMT /news/2021-04-21/minnesota-students-walk-out-of-school-to-protest-racial-injustice Elizabeth Shockman South Florida School Districts Float Ideas For Giving Teachers Raises /show/the-south-florida-roundup/2018-04-20/south-florida-school-districts-float-ideas-for-giving-teachers-raises Teachers nationwide are protesting their paychecks. Educators in Arizona voted to walk out, joining similar efforts in Oklahoma, West Virginia and… Fri, 20 Apr 2018 17:21:16 GMT /show/the-south-florida-roundup/2018-04-20/south-florida-school-districts-float-ideas-for-giving-teachers-raises Katie Lepri Cohen 19 Years After Columbine, Students Walk Out To Stop Gun Violence /2018-04-20/19-years-after-columbine-students-walk-out-to-stop-gun-violence Some 2,600 school walkouts are planned across the country, starting at 10 a.m. in each time zone. Fri, 20 Apr 2018 15:02:00 GMT /2018-04-20/19-years-after-columbine-students-walk-out-to-stop-gun-violence Laurel Wamsley Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Students, Teachers Protest On Anniversary of Columbine /news/2018-04-20/marjory-stoneman-douglas-high-students-teachers-protest-on-anniversary-of-columbine It’s been 19 years since the shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado, a little more than two months since the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas… Fri, 20 Apr 2018 14:17:03 GMT /news/2018-04-20/marjory-stoneman-douglas-high-students-teachers-protest-on-anniversary-of-columbine Jessica Bakeman Revisting Conversations With Author Edwidge Danticat And Brett Sokol; Coverage Of School Walkouts /show/sundial/2018-03-28/revisting-conversations-with-author-edwidge-danticat-and-brett-sokol-coverage-of-school-walkouts Guests for Sundial on Wednesday March 14, 2018:We revisited a past interview with Haitian-American novelist and short story writer Edwidge Danticat. She… Wed, 28 Mar 2018 18:05:34 GMT /show/sundial/2018-03-28/revisting-conversations-with-author-edwidge-danticat-and-brett-sokol-coverage-of-school-walkouts Across The Country, Students Walk Out To Protest Gun Violence /npr-breaking-news/2018-03-14/across-the-country-students-walk-out-to-protest-gun-violence One month after the shootings in Parkland, thousands of schools are becoming sites of protest. At 10 a.m., students walked out for 17 minutes — one minute for each Parkland victim who died. Wed, 14 Mar 2018 15:01:00 GMT /npr-breaking-news/2018-03-14/across-the-country-students-walk-out-to-protest-gun-violence Camila Domonoske South Florida Students Walk Out Of Schools To Protest Gun Violence /news/2018-03-14/south-florida-students-walk-out-of-schools-to-protest-gun-violence Exactly one month after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, students across South Florida and the rest of the country walked out of their… Wed, 14 Mar 2018 12:52:27 GMT /news/2018-03-14/south-florida-students-walk-out-of-schools-to-protest-gun-violence Leslie Ovalle Can Students Be Punished For Walking Out? One Florida Student Says She Was /news/2018-03-13/can-students-be-punished-for-walking-out-one-florida-student-says-she-was Students from across the country are planning to participate in a coordinated national walkout on Wednesday in response to the high school shooting in… Wed, 14 Mar 2018 01:19:27 GMT /news/2018-03-13/can-students-be-punished-for-walking-out-one-florida-student-says-she-was