special education /tags/special-education special education en-US WLRN Wed, 20 Apr 2022 10:45:50 GMT Students with disabilities have a right to qualified teachers — but there's a shortage /news/2022-04-20/students-with-disabilities-have-a-right-to-qualified-teachers-but-theres-a-shortage When schools can't find a licensed special education teacher, they hire people who are willing to do the job, but lack the training. It's a practice that concerns some special education experts. Wed, 20 Apr 2022 10:45:50 GMT /news/2022-04-20/students-with-disabilities-have-a-right-to-qualified-teachers-but-theres-a-shortage Lee V. Gaines, Lee V. Gaines After Months Of Special Education Turmoil, Families Say Schools Owe Them /news/npr-breaking-news/2021-06-16/after-months-of-special-education-turmoil-families-say-schools-owe-them Special education services were severely disrupted when schools closed in spring 2020. In many places, they have yet to fully resume. Now, families are demanding schools take action. Wed, 16 Jun 2021 11:10:14 GMT /news/npr-breaking-news/2021-06-16/after-months-of-special-education-turmoil-families-say-schools-owe-them Cory Turner, Rebecca Klein Class of COVID-19: For Special Education Students, A Potential Side Effect Of COVID-19 School Closures: Struggling To Communicate /news/2021-02-08/class-of-covid-19-for-special-education-students-a-potential-side-effect-of-covid-19-school-closures-struggling-to-communicate Last spring, the coronavirus pandemic forced schools across the state to shut down, and teachers to move their lessons online, which Denise Wilson said was a struggle from the start for her son Brady. He is among the nearly 15% of public school students in Florida who have a disability and receive special education services. Mon, 08 Feb 2021 23:04:27 GMT /news/2021-02-08/class-of-covid-19-for-special-education-students-a-potential-side-effect-of-covid-19-school-closures-struggling-to-communicate Robbie Gaffney Broward Weighs Piloting In-Person Classes For Some Students With Disabilities /education/2020-08-04/broward-weighs-piloting-in-person-classes-for-some-students-with-disabilities Broward County Public Schools is considering a controversial pilot to reopen school buildings for in-person classes for some students with disabilities… Tue, 04 Aug 2020 20:06:55 GMT /education/2020-08-04/broward-weighs-piloting-in-person-classes-for-some-students-with-disabilities Jessica Bakeman