Stephen Breyer /tags/stephen-breyer Stephen Breyer en-US WLRN Thu, 27 Jan 2022 12:10:53 GMT Biden will get a chance to fill a Supreme Court vacancy. Here's what to expect /2022-01-27/biden-will-get-a-chance-to-fill-a-supreme-court-vacancy-heres-what-to-expect With Justice Stephen Breyer stepping down, President Biden has his first nomination to the high court. He campaigned on picking a Black woman for the lifetime appointment. Thu, 27 Jan 2022 12:10:53 GMT /2022-01-27/biden-will-get-a-chance-to-fill-a-supreme-court-vacancy-heres-what-to-expect Deirdre Walsh Progressives Are Hoping That Justice Stephen Breyer Steps Down At The End Of The Term /2021-06-30/progressives-are-hoping-that-justice-stephen-breyer-steps-down-at-the-end-of-the-term They want President Biden to appoint a young liberal to replace the 82-year-old justice. But Breyer has publicly shown no indication of whether he will stay or go. Wed, 30 Jun 2021 09:00:00 GMT /2021-06-30/progressives-are-hoping-that-justice-stephen-breyer-steps-down-at-the-end-of-the-term Susan Davis Liberals Admire Justice Breyer. Now They Want Him To Retire /news/2021-05-03/liberals-admire-justice-breyer-now-they-want-him-to-retire Democratic lawmakers and activists are urging the justice to step down in time to allow a narrow Democratic majority in the Senate to confirm a replacement. Mon, 03 May 2021 10:48:21 GMT /news/2021-05-03/liberals-admire-justice-breyer-now-they-want-him-to-retire Danielle Kurtzleben