sunshine law /tags/sunshine-law sunshine law en-US WLRN Mon, 13 Mar 2023 16:00:00 GMT Is DeSantis darkening Florida's sunny open-records laws? /government-politics/2023-03-13/is-desantis-darkening-floridas-sunny-open-records-laws Advocates for open government are ringing alarms about plans by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' administration that could make it harder to learn what public officials are doing and to speak out against them. Mon, 13 Mar 2023 16:00:00 GMT /government-politics/2023-03-13/is-desantis-darkening-floridas-sunny-open-records-laws David A. Lieb | Associated Press Activists' removal ahead of DeSantis press conference didn't violate 'Sunshine Law' /news/2022-01-05/activists-removal-ahead-of-desantis-press-conference-didnt-violate-sunshine-law No open government laws were broken when a group of activists were forced to leave a public building in Jacksonville shortly before a scheduled COVID-19 news conference with Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday, according to one legal expert. Wed, 05 Jan 2022 19:32:40 GMT /news/2022-01-05/activists-removal-ahead-of-desantis-press-conference-didnt-violate-sunshine-law Valerie Crowder The High Cost Of Sunshine: Public Records In Florida Can Cost More Than A Year's Salary /local-news/2021-03-29/the-high-cost-of-sunshine-public-records-in-florida-can-cost-more-than-a-years-salary Florida’s Sunshine laws often get held up as a model for a transparent government but public records requests can lead to bills in the tens of thousands of dollars. Some attorneys say it's time to waive public records fees in Florida for public interest groups. Mon, 29 Mar 2021 10:00:51 GMT /local-news/2021-03-29/the-high-cost-of-sunshine-public-records-in-florida-can-cost-more-than-a-years-salary Jenny Staletovich The Public Has A Right To Weigh In At Government Meetings. Does Playing Voicemails All Night Cut It? /2020-11-11/the-public-has-a-right-to-weigh-in-at-government-meetings-does-playing-voicemails-all-night-cut-it Experts say the Miami-Dade County School Board might have violated state laws that guarantee public access to government proceedings during an epic 29-hour meeting earlier this fall. Wed, 11 Nov 2020 22:00:34 GMT /2020-11-11/the-public-has-a-right-to-weigh-in-at-government-meetings-does-playing-voicemails-all-night-cut-it Jessica Bakeman Total Cost For Gov. DeSantis, Florida Cabinet's Trip To Israel Released /2019-07-15/total-cost-for-gov-desantis-florida-cabinets-trip-to-israel-released By Ana Ceballos / News Service of Florida More than a month after Gov. Ron DeSantis and Florida Cabinet members wrapped up a six-day trip in Israel, the... Mon, 15 Jul 2019 14:28:14 GMT /2019-07-15/total-cost-for-gov-desantis-florida-cabinets-trip-to-israel-released Ana Ceballos / News Service of Florida Judge Turns Down Bid To Block Cabinet Meeting In Israel /2019-05-28/judge-turns-down-bid-to-block-cabinet-meeting-in-israel A Tallahassee judge on Tuesday dismissed a lawsuit brought against Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Florida Cabinet by open-government advocates, who made a... Tue, 28 May 2019 23:29:14 GMT /2019-05-28/judge-turns-down-bid-to-block-cabinet-meeting-in-israel Ana Ceballos - News Service of Florida First Amendment Foundation Tracks New Public Record Exemption Bills /2019-05-09/first-amendment-foundation-tracks-new-public-record-exemption-bills The First Amendment Foundation (FAF) in Tallahassee keeps watch over policy discussions that could impede the public’s right to know about government... Thu, 09 May 2019 15:49:11 GMT /2019-05-09/first-amendment-foundation-tracks-new-public-record-exemption-bills Gina Jordan Senate Bill Keeps Images Of Mass Murder Victims Out Of Public Eye /2019-03-22/senate-bill-keeps-images-of-mass-murder-victims-out-of-public-eye A bill in the Florida legislature would remove from public record video, audio, or images of mass violence victims. Fri, 22 Mar 2019 21:06:28 GMT /2019-03-22/senate-bill-keeps-images-of-mass-murder-victims-out-of-public-eye Robbie Gaffney Broward Event Will Dive Into Florida's Sunshine Law /show/sundial/2018-10-08/broward-event-will-dive-into-floridas-sunshine-law In mid-September, the parents of two children killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School criticized a number of public agencies for failing to give… Mon, 08 Oct 2018 23:31:36 GMT /show/sundial/2018-10-08/broward-event-will-dive-into-floridas-sunshine-law Appeals Court To Hear Arguments On Scott Records /2018-10-02/appeals-court-to-hear-arguments-on-scott-records Moving quickly, an appeals court has scheduled a hearing next week in a public-records lawsuit about whether Gov. Rick Scott should be required to turn... Tue, 02 Oct 2018 11:15:46 GMT /2018-10-02/appeals-court-to-hear-arguments-on-scott-records News Service of Florida