Tenants rights /tags/tenants-rights Tenants rights en-US WLRN Fri, 22 Sep 2023 10:00:00 GMT No money in Broward budget for tenant right to counsel program, despite activists pleas /government-politics/2023-09-22/broward-tenants-renters-eviction-housing The program was modeled after a similar one approved by Miami-Dade County last year that has seen success in the few months since receiving funding. Fri, 22 Sep 2023 10:00:00 GMT /government-politics/2023-09-22/broward-tenants-renters-eviction-housing Gerard Albert 'Very offensive': Amid housing crisis, state could soon override local tenant laws /housing/2023-03-21/florida-lawmakers-could-override-local-tenant-laws A Florida House panel approved a bill (HB 1417) that would lead to state law trumping local regulations governing landlords and tenants. Tue, 21 Mar 2023 13:00:00 GMT /housing/2023-03-21/florida-lawmakers-could-override-local-tenant-laws Jim Saunders 'We have nowhere to go': Many face eviction during a crisis in affordable housing /news/2022-08-09/we-have-nowhere-to-go-many-face-eviction-during-a-crisis-in-affordable-housing Most Americans say a lack of affordable housing is a serious problem where they live. An NPR poll also finds nearly twice as many Black renters as white faced an eviction threat in the past year. Tue, 09 Aug 2022 15:15:38 GMT /news/2022-08-09/we-have-nowhere-to-go-many-face-eviction-during-a-crisis-in-affordable-housing Jennifer Ludden Rental protection in Miami-Dade, F1’s journey to Miami Gardens, and the legacy of Michael Tilson Thomas /2022-05-09/rental-protection-in-miami-dade-f1s-journey-to-miami-gardens-and-the-legacy-of-michael-tilson-thomas A “Tenant’s Bill of Rights” was passed in Miami-Dade County, offering protections to renters. The F1 Grand Prix made its way to Miami Gardens, with many residents opposed to its stay. Finally, Michael Tilson Thomas steps down as the New World Symphony’s artistic director. Mon, 09 May 2022 20:54:52 GMT /2022-05-09/rental-protection-in-miami-dade-f1s-journey-to-miami-gardens-and-the-legacy-of-michael-tilson-thomas Natu Tweh Amid a housing crisis, renters challenge firms they say are being exploitative /2022-02-10/amid-a-housing-crisis-renters-challenge-firms-they-say-are-being-exploitative Low-income housing is in crisis — corporate landlords are squeezing renters with higher rents in often unsafe housing units. Renters are fighting back. Thu, 10 Feb 2022 15:40:58 GMT /2022-02-10/amid-a-housing-crisis-renters-challenge-firms-they-say-are-being-exploitative Marisa Peñaloza "Miya's Law" advances in the Legislature /news/2022-01-28/miyas-law-advances-in-the-legislature A measure aimed at improving tenant safety after a college student was slain in her Orlando apartment is advancing in the Legislature. Fri, 28 Jan 2022 12:08:06 GMT /news/2022-01-28/miyas-law-advances-in-the-legislature Amy Green New Law Gives Tenants 30 Days To Vacate Foreclosed Homes /news/2015-06-08/new-law-gives-tenants-30-days-to-vacate-foreclosed-homes Last week, Gov. Rick Scott signed into law a bill protecting tenants living in foreclosed homes. The law was passed unanimously by both houses and takes… Mon, 08 Jun 2015 20:26:59 GMT /news/2015-06-08/new-law-gives-tenants-30-days-to-vacate-foreclosed-homes