trees /tags/trees trees en-US WLRN Thu, 22 Aug 2024 13:00:00 GMT Miami-Dade's first urban forestry plan puts trees at the center of battle against heat /government-politics/2024-08-22/miami-dade-heat-trees-urban-forestry-canopy As Miami-Dade seeks feedback on an Urban Forestry Draft Plan to tackle extreme heat, the county's chief heat officer tells ۰²trees are "the greatest tool we have for keeping Miami-Dade cool." They also absorb stormwater, provide a habitat for wildlife, aid pollution and beautify streets. "We need to start treating trees as the critical infrastructure that they are," she said. Thu, 22 Aug 2024 13:00:00 GMT /government-politics/2024-08-22/miami-dade-heat-trees-urban-forestry-canopy Daniel Rivero Miami-Dade's new plan to plant more trees needs ‘all hands on deck’ /environment/2024-07-25/miami-dades-new-plan-to-plant-more-trees-needs-all-hands-on-deck Miami-Dade has fallen behind on its decade-old pledge to cover more than 30% of the county with tree canopy, leading to growing inequality across the region as wealthier neighborhoods stay shaded, while poorer communities bake — leading to higher electric bills and more emergency room visits. Thu, 25 Jul 2024 15:59:00 GMT /environment/2024-07-25/miami-dades-new-plan-to-plant-more-trees-needs-all-hands-on-deck Ashley Miznazi | Miami Herald Miami-Dade promised to plant more trees but didn’t. Religious leaders push for new vows /environment/2023-03-16/miami-dade-promised-to-plant-more-trees-but-didnt-religious-leaders-push-for-new-vows A countywide group of churches, synagogues, mosques and religious universities invited Miami-Dade County elected officials to hold their feet to the fire on trees — particularly in under-served communities. Thu, 16 Mar 2023 16:00:00 GMT /environment/2023-03-16/miami-dade-promised-to-plant-more-trees-but-didnt-religious-leaders-push-for-new-vows Nicolas Rivero How climate change will impact the kinds of trees that can survive in your Florida yard /environment/2023-03-14/how-climate-change-will-impact-the-kinds-of-trees-that-can-survive-in-your-florida-yard As sea levels rise, saltwater intrusion and heat will create challenges for certain plants and trees to survive in the coming years, and Florida is on the front lines. Tue, 14 Mar 2023 17:00:00 GMT /environment/2023-03-14/how-climate-change-will-impact-the-kinds-of-trees-that-can-survive-in-your-florida-yard Jessica Meszaros Sap from this tree will give you blisters, eating the apple-like fruit can kill you /news/2022-08-25/sap-from-this-tree-will-give-you-blisters-eating-the-apple-like-fruit-can-kill-you One bite of the fruit from the manchineel tree can be lethal, and contact with the bark, leaves and sap of the tree results in blisters and extreme pain. Thu, 25 Aug 2022 13:00:00 GMT /news/2022-08-25/sap-from-this-tree-will-give-you-blisters-eating-the-apple-like-fruit-can-kill-you Dustin Jones Biden will order a study of old-growth forests in an Earth Day executive action /2022-04-22/biden-will-order-a-study-of-old-growth-forests-in-an-earth-day-executive-action America's oldest trees store vast amounts of carbon. Counting them is the first step to preserving them, says the Biden administration. Fri, 22 Apr 2022 12:27:01 GMT /2022-04-22/biden-will-order-a-study-of-old-growth-forests-in-an-earth-day-executive-action Laura Benshoff Florida cities ask: Are there too many palms? /2022-01-05/florida-cities-ask-are-there-too-many-palms Tree experts say Florida communities preparing for climate change should plant more shade trees and fewer palms. Palm lovers are objecting. Wed, 05 Jan 2022 21:35:00 GMT /2022-01-05/florida-cities-ask-are-there-too-many-palms Greg Allen This year was tough, but we found some moments of joy while reporting in 2021 (it's true!) /news/2021-12-29/this-year-was-tough-but-we-found-some-moments-of-joy-while-reporting-in-2021-its-true The pandemic and political strife didn't give us a break in 2021 — but ۰²staffers still found some moments of joy in their reporting. Wed, 29 Dec 2021 11:00:00 GMT /news/2021-12-29/this-year-was-tough-but-we-found-some-moments-of-joy-while-reporting-in-2021-its-true ۰²News Miami-Dade has been planting more trees to protect from extreme heat. A new study shows an uphill battle /news/2021-11-16/miami-dade-county-florida-extreme-heat-season-cop26-tree-canopy A study has found that the tree canopy cover for Miami-Dade County has “not significantly changed” after five years of aggressive planting. Tue, 16 Nov 2021 11:00:00 GMT /news/2021-11-16/miami-dade-county-florida-extreme-heat-season-cop26-tree-canopy Daniel Rivero Climate Change Is Killing Trees And Causing Power Outages /news/2021-09-21/climate-change-is-killing-trees-and-causing-power-outages Fungi, parasites, root rot: Climate change is increasing the risk of trees weakening and dying. Falling trees have increased power outages nationwide, which threaten public health and safety. Tue, 21 Sep 2021 09:00:00 GMT /news/2021-09-21/climate-change-is-killing-trees-and-causing-power-outages Julia Simon