tuberculosis /tags/tuberculosis tuberculosis en-US WLRN Thu, 31 Mar 2022 20:35:02 GMT Florida is a hot spot for an emerging lung disease /news/2022-03-31/florida-is-a-hot-spot-for-an-emerging-lung-disease There is no easy test or treatment for nontuberculosis mycobacteria, or NTM. It can be transmitted through the water supply, but little is known about exactly where it lurks. Thu, 31 Mar 2022 20:35:02 GMT /news/2022-03-31/florida-is-a-hot-spot-for-an-emerging-lung-disease Kerry Sheridan Why Is The News About TB So Bad? /2016-10-16/why-is-the-news-about-tb-so-bad A report from the World Health Organization shows that it's not a disease of the past — it's a disease of the present and likely to be a continuing problem in the future. Sun, 16 Oct 2016 11:00:00 GMT /2016-10-16/why-is-the-news-about-tb-so-bad Rina Shaikh-Lesko Despite CDC Appeals, Politics Thwarted Tuberculosis Information Campaign /2012-10-15/despite-cdc-appeals-politics-thwarted-tuberculosis-information-campaign Records and emails collected by The Palm Beach Post depict state officials as too absorbed with political goals to warn the public about a tuberculosis… Mon, 15 Oct 2012 13:43:43 GMT /2012-10-15/despite-cdc-appeals-politics-thwarted-tuberculosis-information-campaign