unemployment /tags/unemployment unemployment en-US WLRN Thu, 27 Jun 2024 20:00:00 GMT Politifact FL: Black poverty, unemployment set record lows on Trump’s watch — and on Biden’s /government-politics/2024-06-27/politifact-florida-black-poverty-unemployment-trump-biden Donald Trump was president when Black poverty and unemployment reached record lows. owever, Trump leaves out that his opponent, President Joe Biden, saw both of those record lows surpassed on his watch. Thu, 27 Jun 2024 20:00:00 GMT /government-politics/2024-06-27/politifact-florida-black-poverty-unemployment-trump-biden Louis Jacobson | PolitiFact This Miami job fair gives Floridians a second chance - regardless of their past /business/2024-04-19/jobs-fair-miami-felons-incarcerated-workforce-better-together About 200 job-seekers attended a job fair in Miami this week, where all of the employers were willing to hire people who've been previously incarcerated. Fri, 19 Apr 2024 20:51:54 GMT /business/2024-04-19/jobs-fair-miami-felons-incarcerated-workforce-better-together Anita Li A consequence of a low jobless rate: not enough qualified workers in South Florida /business/2024-04-08/south-florida-unemployment-jobless-hiring-wages-qualifications South Florida’s unemployment rate is the lowest among major metropolitan areas. A new survey finds most Miami-Dade businesses are having a tough time filling open positions. Mon, 08 Apr 2024 16:21:40 GMT /business/2024-04-08/south-florida-unemployment-jobless-hiring-wages-qualifications Tom Hudson How South Florida is a study in economic contrasts for the Biden administration /business/2023-12-12/inflation-unemployment-south-florida-biden South Florida represents extremes of two important economic barometers for the Biden administration — low unemployment but stubborn inflation. Tue, 12 Dec 2023 11:00:00 GMT /business/2023-12-12/inflation-unemployment-south-florida-biden Tom Hudson PolitiFact FL: Under Biden, Hispanic unemployment rate falls by almost half /government-politics/2023-09-25/politifact-florida-hispanic-unemployment-jobs-joe-biden Bureau of Labor Statistics figures show that Hispanic or Latino unemployment was 9.3% in December 2020, President Donald Trump’s last full month in office. That rate fell from 8.5% in January 2021, the month Joe Biden was sworn in, to 4.9% in August 2023. Mon, 25 Sep 2023 13:00:00 GMT /government-politics/2023-09-25/politifact-florida-hispanic-unemployment-jobs-joe-biden Marta Campabadal Graus Florida's jobless rate remained the same in March /florida-news/2023-04-25/floridas-jobless-rate-remained-the-same-in-march Florida’s unemployment rate remained at 2.6 percent in March, as service-related jobs continued to lead in new hiring and construction jobs fell for a third consecutive month. Tue, 25 Apr 2023 11:30:00 GMT /florida-news/2023-04-25/floridas-jobless-rate-remained-the-same-in-march Jim Turner | News Service of Florida Florida's jobless rate is below the national average and at a level before the COVID-19 pandemic /economy/2022-09-19/floridas-jobless-rate-is-below-the-national-average-and-at-a-level-before-the-covid-19-pandemic The unemployment rate of 2.7% is unchanged from July, and an estimated 293,000 Floridians were out of work last month. Mon, 19 Sep 2022 12:00:00 GMT /economy/2022-09-19/floridas-jobless-rate-is-below-the-national-average-and-at-a-level-before-the-covid-19-pandemic Jim Turner - News Service of Florida Florida's unemployment rate dips to pre-pandemic levels at 2.7 percent /news/2022-08-22/floridas-unemployment-rate-dips-to-pre-pandemic-levels-at-2-7-percent Florida’s unemployment rate dipped to 2.7 percent in July, matching the level before the COVID-19 pandemic slammed into the economy. Mon, 22 Aug 2022 12:30:00 GMT /news/2022-08-22/floridas-unemployment-rate-dips-to-pre-pandemic-levels-at-2-7-percent Jim Turner | News Service of Florida Florida's jobless rate dips in June /news/2022-07-25/floridas-jobless-rate-dips-in-june The state Department of Economic Opportunity on Friday released a report that said the June rate was 2.8 percent, down from a revised 2.9 percent in May. The June number represented 303,000 Floridians unemployed in a workforce of 10.633 million. Mon, 25 Jul 2022 19:12:00 GMT /news/2022-07-25/floridas-jobless-rate-dips-in-june Jim Turner | News Service of Florida Weekly unemployment claims rise in Florida for the first time since June /news/2022-07-14/weekly-unemployment-claims-rise-in-florida-for-the-first-time-since-june The U.S. Department of Labor on Thursday estimated 6,961 first-time claims were filed in Florida during the week that ended July 9, up from a revised count of 6,155 during the week that ended July 2. Thu, 14 Jul 2022 19:12:00 GMT /news/2022-07-14/weekly-unemployment-claims-rise-in-florida-for-the-first-time-since-june News Service of Florida