water conservation /tags/water-conservation water conservation en-US WLRN Wed, 12 Apr 2023 22:00:30 GMT Swimming pools and lavish gardens of the rich are driving water shortages, study says /environment/npr-breaking-news/2023-04-12/swimming-pools-and-lavish-gardens-of-the-rich-are-driving-water-shortages-study-says Socioeconomic disparity is just as influential as climate change and population growth when it comes to explaining why so many cities are struggling with their water supply, researchers say. Wed, 12 Apr 2023 22:00:30 GMT /environment/npr-breaking-news/2023-04-12/swimming-pools-and-lavish-gardens-of-the-rich-are-driving-water-shortages-study-says Emily Olson Kim Kardashian, Kevin Hart and Sylvester Stallone are accused of massive water waste /news/2022-08-24/kim-kardashian-kevin-hart-and-sylvester-stallone-are-accused-of-massive-water-waste To paraphrase Kim Kardashian, it seems like nobody wants to conserve water these days. The celebrities are on a long list of rich and famous LA residents who received notices for excessive water use. Wed, 24 Aug 2022 14:30:00 GMT /news/2022-08-24/kim-kardashian-kevin-hart-and-sylvester-stallone-are-accused-of-massive-water-waste Vanessa Romo Initiative for ‘clean and healthy waters' proposed in Florida /news/2022-04-26/initiative-for-clean-and-healthy-waters-proposed-in-florida A political committee has filed a proposed constitutional amendment that would create a “fundamental right to clean and healthy waters” and allow lawsuits against state agencies for harm to lakes, rivers, wetlands and other types of water bodies. Tue, 26 Apr 2022 14:40:00 GMT /news/2022-04-26/initiative-for-clean-and-healthy-waters-proposed-in-florida News Service of Florida South Florida’s dirty water, the Miami-Dade Youth Fair is back, ‘Secret Identity’ /podcast/sundial/2022-03-21/south-floridas-dirty-water-the-miami-dade-youth-fair-is-back-secret-identity Life in Florida is about water. But how much of that water is clean enough for us to enjoy? Plus, Miami-Dade Youth Fair is back with the most interesting food lineup. And this month’s Sundial Book Club conversation with Alex Segura about his newest book ‘Secret Identity.’ Mon, 21 Mar 2022 21:48:55 GMT /podcast/sundial/2022-03-21/south-floridas-dirty-water-the-miami-dade-youth-fair-is-back-secret-identity Leslie Ovalle Atkinson South Florida’s dirty water, the Miami-Dade Youth Fair is back, ‘Secret Identity’ /2022-03-21/south-floridas-dirty-water-the-miami-dade-youth-fair-is-back-secret-identity Life in Florida is about water. But how much of that water is clean enough for us to enjoy? Plus, Miami-Dade Youth Fair is back with the most interesting food lineup. And this month’s Sundial Book Club conversation with Alex Segura about his newest book ‘Secret Identity.’ Mon, 21 Mar 2022 21:48:20 GMT /2022-03-21/south-floridas-dirty-water-the-miami-dade-youth-fair-is-back-secret-identity Leslie Ovalle Atkinson A federal judge hears arguments over whether a Piney Point lawsuit should be dismissed /news/2022-02-16/a-federal-judge-hears-arguments-over-whether-a-piney-point-lawsuit-should-be-dismissed Defendants asked U.S. District Judge William Jung to dismiss the lawsuit, but several environmental agencies say the state and other defendants should be held liable. Wed, 16 Feb 2022 17:12:20 GMT /news/2022-02-16/a-federal-judge-hears-arguments-over-whether-a-piney-point-lawsuit-should-be-dismissed Steve Newborn U.S. Supreme Court Rules Against Florida In Water Fight /news/2021-04-01/u-s-supreme-court-rules-against-florida-in-water-fight After years of legal battling, the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously rejected a lawsuit in which Florida argued Georgia has used too much water in a river system shared by the states. Thu, 01 Apr 2021 18:31:26 GMT /news/2021-04-01/u-s-supreme-court-rules-against-florida-in-water-fight Jim Saunders / News Service of Florida Will Nestle’s Plans To Bottle More Water Put A Popular Florida Spring At Risk? /news/2021-02-19/will-nestles-plans-to-bottle-more-water-put-a-popular-florida-spring-at-risk The vote on the Nestle permit has garnered international attention, primarily because it is seen by some independent scientists and activists as a bellwether for the future of the springs. And being Florida, even mermaids are among the activists opposing the permit. Fri, 19 Feb 2021 20:04:46 GMT /news/2021-02-19/will-nestles-plans-to-bottle-more-water-put-a-popular-florida-spring-at-risk Oscar Corral Trump Bemoaned Water Pressure. Now His Administration Has Eased Standards /news/2020-12-17/trump-bemoaned-water-pressure-now-his-administration-has-eased-standards The Trump administration said the two new rules are a victory for Americans' "quality of life," but environmental advocates say the changes will waste water and drive up utility bills. Thu, 17 Dec 2020 20:23:17 GMT /news/2020-12-17/trump-bemoaned-water-pressure-now-his-administration-has-eased-standards Barbara Sprunt The Sunshine Economy: Miami-Dade County's Water And Sewer Boss /show/the-sunshine-economy/2019-10-21/the-sunshine-economy-miami-dade-countys-water-and-sewer-boss “I have become the water and sewer system,” said Kevin Lynskey. “Apparently, I am the water and sewer system.”This isn’t a statement of ego exactly.… Mon, 21 Oct 2019 17:32:55 GMT /show/the-sunshine-economy/2019-10-21/the-sunshine-economy-miami-dade-countys-water-and-sewer-boss Tom Hudson