william barr /tags/william-barr william barr en-US WLRN Mon, 21 Dec 2020 17:23:03 GMT Barr Says No Need For Special Counsel For Hunter Biden Probe, Election Fraud Claims /news/2020-12-21/barr-says-no-need-for-special-counsel-for-hunter-biden-probe-election-fraud-claims William Barr put a damper on two ideas President Trump has reportedly raised in recent days during what was likely his last press conference as attorney general. Mon, 21 Dec 2020 17:23:03 GMT /news/2020-12-21/barr-says-no-need-for-special-counsel-for-hunter-biden-probe-election-fraud-claims Ryan Lucas William Barr To Step Down As Attorney General Before Christmas /news/2020-12-14/william-barr-to-step-down-as-attorney-general-before-christmas Trump said he and Barr had a "very nice meeting" Monday and that their "relationship has been a very good one." Barr started out as a loyalist, but his relationship with the president frayed. Mon, 14 Dec 2020 23:04:19 GMT /news/2020-12-14/william-barr-to-step-down-as-attorney-general-before-christmas Ryan Lucas Federal Executions Pit The Trump Administration Against The Catholic Church /news/2020-12-10/federal-executions-pit-the-trump-administration-against-the-catholic-church Opposition to the death penalty is "a teaching that deserves our respect," says Oklahoma City Archbishop Paul Coakley. "I don't think it can be simply disregarded." Thu, 10 Dec 2020 10:00:17 GMT /news/2020-12-10/federal-executions-pit-the-trump-administration-against-the-catholic-church Tom Gjelten Barr: DOJ Has No Evidence Of Fraud Affecting 2020 Election Outcome /2020-12-01/barr-doj-has-no-evidence-of-fraud-affecting-2020-election-outcome The attorney general told The Associated Press on Tuesday neither Justice Department attorneys nor the FBI have substantiated any of the various claims about so-called fraud. Tue, 01 Dec 2020 22:00:43 GMT /2020-12-01/barr-doj-has-no-evidence-of-fraud-affecting-2020-election-outcome Ryan Lucas Head Of DOJ's Election Crimes Unit Steps Down After Barr OKs Election Inquiries /2020-11-10/head-of-dojs-election-crimes-unit-steps-down-after-barr-oks-election-inquiries The attorney general's policy breaks with Justice Department guidance of not interfering with elections that has stood for 40 years, Richard Pilger says. Tue, 10 Nov 2020 16:50:52 GMT /2020-11-10/head-of-dojs-election-crimes-unit-steps-down-after-barr-oks-election-inquiries Bill Chappell Barr Wades Into Trump's False Voting Claims, Allowing Prosecutors To Investigate /2020-11-10/barr-wades-into-trumps-false-voting-claims-allowing-prosecutors-to-investigate The attorney general specified that reviews can be conducted only if there are "clear and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities" that would affect the outcome of a state's election result. Tue, 10 Nov 2020 12:47:35 GMT /2020-11-10/barr-wades-into-trumps-false-voting-claims-allowing-prosecutors-to-investigate Alana Wise, Claudia Grisales Democrats Worry Attorney General Has An 'October Surprise' In The Making /national-politics/2020-08-07/democrats-worry-attorney-general-has-an-october-surprise-in-the-making Attorney General William Barr says he won't take any action to influence the presidential election, but looming in the background is a probe apparently focused on the Obama administration. Fri, 07 Aug 2020 19:59:06 GMT /national-politics/2020-08-07/democrats-worry-attorney-general-has-an-october-surprise-in-the-making Carrie Johnson No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest /news/2020-06-10/no-sign-of-antifa-so-far-in-justice-department-cases-brought-over-unrest U.S. Attorney General William Barr has repeatedly blamed anti-fascist activists for the violence that has erupted during demonstrations over George… Wed, 10 Jun 2020 11:16:58 GMT /news/2020-06-10/no-sign-of-antifa-so-far-in-justice-department-cases-brought-over-unrest Ryan Lucas 'Party Coming To An End': U.S. Charges Against Top Venezuelan Leaders Include South Florida /news/2020-03-26/party-coming-to-an-end-u-s-charges-against-top-venezuelan-leaders-include-south-florida Thursday morning the Trump Administration charged the President of Venezuela and top regime officials with corruption and narco-terrorism against the U.S.… Thu, 26 Mar 2020 21:28:08 GMT /news/2020-03-26/party-coming-to-an-end-u-s-charges-against-top-venezuelan-leaders-include-south-florida Tim Padgett Barr Heads To Senate With His Work Cut Out: Selling Republicans On FISA /2020-02-25/barr-heads-to-senate-with-his-work-cut-out-selling-republicans-on-fisa The Senate majority leader has asked the attorney general to meet with the conference to discuss surveillance legislation. The president also may need convincing. Tue, 25 Feb 2020 10:01:02 GMT /2020-02-25/barr-heads-to-senate-with-his-work-cut-out-selling-republicans-on-fisa Philip Ewing