working /tags/working working en-US WLRN Wed, 08 Jun 2022 10:09:52 GMT A big 32-hour workweek test is underway. Supporters think it could help productivity /news/2022-06-07/a-big-32-hour-workweek-test-is-underway-supporters-think-it-could-help-productivity A pilot of more than 3,300 workers in the U.K. is testing a theory about work. Can people in various industries remain as productive if they just work 32 hours a week with the same pay as 40 hours? Wed, 08 Jun 2022 10:09:52 GMT /news/2022-06-07/a-big-32-hour-workweek-test-is-underway-supporters-think-it-could-help-productivity Wynne Davis Work Search Requirement Returning In Florida For Those Seeking Jobless Benefits /news/2021-05-07/work-search-requirement-returning-in-florida-for-those-seeking-jobless-benefits Gov. Ron DeSantis says unemployment claimants will likely have to show how they looked for work once an executive order waiving a work-search requirement ends this month. Fri, 07 May 2021 10:37:19 GMT /news/2021-05-07/work-search-requirement-returning-in-florida-for-those-seeking-jobless-benefits The News Service of Florida Google Adapts To Long-Term Telework, Offers Employees Hybrid Workweek /news/2021-05-06/google-adapts-to-long-term-telework-offers-employees-hybrid-work-week More than a year into telework, the tech giant has said about 60% of its employees will work remotely two days a week. Twenty percent will work from home permanently. Thu, 06 May 2021 10:57:57 GMT /news/2021-05-06/google-adapts-to-long-term-telework-offers-employees-hybrid-work-week Jaclyn Diaz Hot Job Market Is Wooing Women Into Workforce Faster Than Men /2019-05-20/hot-job-market-is-wooing-women-into-workforce-faster-than-men Over the past three years, women returned to the workforce at more than double the rate of men. Growth in industries that rely on women and heavy recruitment of women might help explain why. Mon, 20 May 2019 16:43:27 GMT /2019-05-20/hot-job-market-is-wooing-women-into-workforce-faster-than-men Yuki Noguchi Commissioner Eileen Higgins Discusses Harsh Working Conditions For Some Employees At MIA /show/sundial/2019-04-24/commissioner-eileen-higgins-discusses-harsh-working-conditions-for-some-employees-at-mia The last time you were at the airport or getting off a plane, did you notice the people cleaning your plane's seats? Have you wondered how your bags get… Wed, 24 Apr 2019 22:48:35 GMT /show/sundial/2019-04-24/commissioner-eileen-higgins-discusses-harsh-working-conditions-for-some-employees-at-mia Chris Remington For $450, This Japanese Company Will Quit Your Job For You /2018-08-28/for-450-this-japanese-company-will-quit-your-job-for-you Workers in Japan who want to leave their jobs — but don't want to face the stress of quitting in person — are turning to a company called Exit. Tue, 28 Aug 2018 18:10:00 GMT /2018-08-28/for-450-this-japanese-company-will-quit-your-job-for-you Bill Chappell Women Can't Have Prior Salaries Used Against Them, Court Says In Equal Pay Case /2018-04-10/women-cant-have-prior-salaries-used-against-them-court-says-in-equal-pay-case America's continuing gender pay gap is "an embarrassing reality of our economy," the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said. Tue, 10 Apr 2018 13:55:00 GMT /2018-04-10/women-cant-have-prior-salaries-used-against-them-court-says-in-equal-pay-case Bill Chappell The Sunshine Economy: The Disappearing Working Teenager /show/the-sunshine-economy/2017-10-01/the-sunshine-economy-the-disappearing-working-teenager Harold Valderrama is unlike most teenagers in South Florida: He has a part-time job.He is 19 years old, goes to school at Miami Dade College and makes $12… Mon, 02 Oct 2017 01:04:55 GMT /show/the-sunshine-economy/2017-10-01/the-sunshine-economy-the-disappearing-working-teenager Tom Hudson FIU Study: Middle Class Is Shrinking /news/2016-09-14/fiu-study-middle-class-is-shrinking The middle class has fewer and fewer job opportunities in Florida according to the newest edition of an annual report called “The State of Working… Thu, 15 Sep 2016 02:45:50 GMT /news/2016-09-14/fiu-study-middle-class-is-shrinking