Wuilly Arteaga /tags/wuilly-arteaga Wuilly Arteaga en-US WLRN Mon, 14 Aug 2017 23:58:00 GMT Venezuelan Regime Hunts Down Opposition Figures; More Expected In Exile Here /show/latin-america-report/2017-08-14/venezuelan-regime-hunts-down-opposition-figures-more-expected-in-exile-here The targets on the backs of Venezuelans like Gustavo Marcano grow larger by the day.Marcano is the mayor of the eastern Venezuelan city of Lechería. Like… Mon, 14 Aug 2017 23:58:00 GMT /show/latin-america-report/2017-08-14/venezuelan-regime-hunts-down-opposition-figures-more-expected-in-exile-here Tim Padgett