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I-95 Has A Speed Limit!?

Kenny Malone

 I spent last Thursday, in the thick of afternoon rush hour, at the I-95 on-ramp just southwest of the Arsht Center. At around 4:30 p.m., the scene is one-half auto show, one-half salmon-spawning.

I walked from open window to open window hoping to confirm something I’ve always suspected: People don’t really know what the speed limit is on I-95. Even the people seconds away from driving on it.

In my completely unscientific survey, one driver answered "45 MPH." Two guessed 55 MPH. Two more said 65 MPH. And one young woman in a silver Audi most confidently responded: “75 MPH. Am I right?”

"You’re pretty far off," I told her.

"I’m talking about Broward."

Nope. (The maximum speed limit in Florida is currently 70 MPH.)

As it turns out, speed limit on I-95 -- especially in Miami-Dade -- is pretty complicated. As part of The End of Road series, I went sign-by-sign to track the posted speed limit and mark sign location with a GPS. .

Map of I-95 speed limit changes starting from the beginning/end of the road.

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